12. Her Final Nerve

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Mollie walked into the Thorne motorhome the next morning feeling exhausted.  Seb had kept her awake half of the night.  She didn't know what the hell had gotten into him.  His sex drive had gone into overdrive!  Not that she was complaining. 

She felt sick with nerves as she spotted Scott sat at a table over by the window.  He was the last person she wanted to see.  He turned and stared right at her.  He stood and started to head over.  She was about to panic when she heard her name being called. 

Saved by the Press Officer, she thought, heading over to where Kara was sat with Joel. 

"Hey, are you ok?" Kara asked. "You look a bit peaky."

"Yeah I'm fine, just tired.  Didn't sleep well last night."

"I'll see you later ladies, I've got work to do. Track walk in about an hour Mols."

"Yep, see you then."

Once Joel had disappeared Kara leant over.

"Ok, spill.  Insomnia or other night time activities with a certain German world champion?"   Kara  whispered in Mollie's ear.

"That would be telling," Mollie said, coyly.

"That gives me my answer Miss Rashford," Kara laughed. When she stopped laughing she looked at Mollie seriously. "Did you tell him about that message?"

Mollie nodded. "Yeah. He was fuming. I've agreed that if it happens again I will report it."

"Good. There's a lot of psychos out there." Kara stood up. "I'm going to have to go. I've got a meeting with the PR team in a few minutes. Catch you later for the press conference."

"Who am I with? I never thought to check."

"You'll like this one. You're with the one and only Mr Bonucci."

"Luca! Oh this will be more fun than usual."

"Just try not to wind Hunter up."

"I can't promise anything. I'll try. But if he starts he's getting it back ."

Kara sighed and shook her head. She said goodbye again and headed off.

Mollie was just about to get up when Scott slid onto the seat next to her, blocking her escape route.

"We need to talk," he said.

"I have nothing to say to you. If it's not work related, I don't want to know," she spat.

"Mollie, I'm sorry. I crossed a line. I just couldn't help it. I..."

"Shut up Scott,  before you dig an even deeper hole for yourself. Just stay the hell away from me."

"Can't we just forget it happened?  I really am sorry.  I shouldn't have done it."

"No shit Sherlock."   She sighed. She really didn't trust him any more but life would be so much simpler if she had a team mate she could get on with. 

"Ok," she finally said, reluctantly. " Just remember Scott, do it again and I won't bloody forgive you next time. "

"Thanks Mollie. I trust you haven't told anyone?"

"No, I haven't."

"Good." He stood up to leave. "Because at the end of the day, who do you think they'd believe? Me or you? A woman who has a rep for screwing drivers."

He sauntered off. Mollie was left fuming. Who the hell did he think he was? She was so tempted to go to Matthew Thorne and tell him exactly what had happened but part of her was worried that Scott was right. She decided just to stay away from him unless it was work related.  That shouldn't be too hard.  She spent all her free time in bed with Seb anyway.  She looked at her watch.  She decided to go and see Luca before the track walk.  He always cheered her up.

Life in the Fastlane (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now