38. Queen of the Streets

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The next few days passed far too quickly and soon Mollie and Seb were heading to the airport to make the short flight to Saudi Arabia. 

Mollie had never raced there before as it wasn't part of the Formula W calendar.  They arrived in their room on Wednesday evening all tired out.  They'd spent most of their time since their wedding in bed making love. 

As much as he loved Mollie Seb was looking forward to a few days of celibacy.  He needed time to recharge his cock's batteries. 

Mollie was also glad of a few days' break.  She was feeling rather sore down below after her insatiable husband's attentions. 

They agreed that an early night was on the menu, and by that,  they meant actual sleep. 

Neither of them took long to drop off to sleep that night. The trouble was once Mollie was asleep the dream started....

She looked at the man as he drove faster and faster.  She couldn't see his face as a shadow obscured it.  "Stop please, just stop!" she screamed.

"I'm never going to stop Mollie.  Never.  You will be mine."

She cried out as she saw the bright blue Aston Martin draw level with them.  Seb!  Seb was going to save her. 

She heard the man cackle as he slammed his car into the Aston Martin. 

Mollie screamed as she saw Seb's car leave the road and roll over.  The man's laughter stopped as he looked in front of them.  "Shit!"   A tree had come down in the middle of the road. They hit  it.

Mollie shot up in bed, sweat pouring from her. 

"Sweetheart, what is it?" Seb asked, sleepily. 

"It's ok.  I'm ok.  Just a dream. Go back to sleep."  She snuggled down into his arms. 

It was just a dream, she repeated to herself.  So why had it felt so real?   She knew that somewhere out there was the man.  The last week or so had been heavenly.  Now she was back out there where he could see her, where he could get to her.  And she was terrified!

Seb walked through Aston Martin hospitality the next morning, soon becoming aware that everyone was looking at him. 

"Congratulations Seb," Jimbo said.  "You're a lucky man."

"Thanks Jimbo."   Everyone seemed to know, congratulating him.  The news sure had travelled quickly.  He wondered who had leaked it. 

Otmar greeted him.  He'd been one of the guests at the wedding,  so had already congratulated him. 

"Good news travels fast,  eh?" he said. 

"Faster than I expected," Seb laughed. 

"Well was to be expected.  Did you really think no one would notice?"

"Notice what?"

"You haven't seen?"

"Seen what?"  Seb was really confused. 

"What your wife's done."

"What she's done? I had a feeling she was up to something."

"Follow me."  He followed Otmar to the office, where Otmar pulled out a printed document. 

"Race entries. Have a read."

Seb's eyes scanned the document and his heart skipped a beat as he reached the Thorne entries. There in black and white it said Number 70.  Mollie Rashford-Vettel.   He blinked back the tears.  He felt so proud.  He'd never expected her to change her racing name. It was another way she was showing her love for him.

Life in the Fastlane (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now