28. Fast and Furious

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Mollie blinked rapidly, trying to get her bearings. 

"Mollie are you ok?" Joel said down the radio.

"I'm ok.  I'm sorry."

She saw the marshall's face peering in at her.  She raised her thumb to let him know that she was ok. 

"Fuck," she screamed, beating her fists on the wheel. Seb was going to be so pissed with her.  It was totally her fault.  Why had she been so fucking stupid?

She undid her belts and pulled herself out of the car.  She saw Seb was heading her way.  When he saw her get out of the car he shook his head and headed off in the opposite direction. 

She needed to speak to him.  She needed to apologise.  She started to follow him but she felt a hand grasp her arm.  She turned and saw Doctor Roberts looking at her. 

"Mollie, thet was a big impact.  I have to insist on a trip to the medical centre.  Just as a precaution of course."

"I need to check if Seb's ok."

"He's fine.  Mollie, you need to come with us."  She reluctantly let herself be led to the medical car. 


Seb was fuming.  As much as he loved Mollie he didn't want to speak to her right now.  He'd been going to check that she was ok but had seen her climb out of the car.  She was fine, so he'd turned and walked off, not trusting himself to keep
his cool.  What had she been thinking?

He made his way back to the garage, storming straight through it and back to the motorhome.  He'd talk to her later, but for now he hoped she'd stay the fuck away. 


The man couldn't contain his laughter.  This was the best shit ever!   He'd given her a brief reprieve.  Now he was back, and she had given him the best present ever.  Oh, the things he could say about this.  She'd only gone and taken her fiancé out of the race.  What a stupid cow!  He was sure Matthew Thorne must be rueing the day he signed her up.  Mollie Crashford!  He laughed at his own joke.  That bitch was going down!

Still, no denying that he was finding her more and more beautiful.  She may be a shit driver but damn, he wanted to fuck her more and more each time he saw her. 

He knew he had to have her.  He couldn't spend his life wanking over her in toilets.  What would it feel like to really be inside her?  

He took out the notepad and picked up a pen.  Time to write again. 

Hey Mollie, bet you thought you'd seen the last of me......


Seb was waiting in the hired DBX as Mollie crossed the car park.  She opened the back door, tossing in her backpack.  She climbed in and put her belt on.

"Seb, I'm...."

"Shut it.  I don't want to hear it Mollie.  I'm so angry right now. I don't want to talk to you."

Mollie could tell by his expresssion that he wasn't joking. 

He hadn't even been able to look at her when they'd visited the stewards.  She couldn't  blame him.  She knew it was her fault. 

The stewards had agreed and given her two penalty points and a three place grid penalty for the next race.

She was surprised that he'd actually waited for her.  She'd just been about to ask Kara for a lift back to the hotel when she'd received a short,and to the point,  text. 

Life in the Fastlane (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now