15. Montreal Madness (2)

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Earlier that evening Seb had decided he would go out for a few drinks after being invited out by Daniel and Checo. They'd met at the hotel bar and a few drinks had turned into several. 

He had no idea when the group of women had joined them, just that suddenly a tall slim blonde was trying everything she could to hook up with him. 

Daniel and Checo thought it was hilarious and were encouraging him to go for it.  They just didn't get it did they?  She wasn't Mollie.  He didn't want anyone apart from her. 

The last several days had been the hardest days he'd had for a long time.  He'd wanted nothing more than to answer her calls, or to text her back,  but she had to realise he was serious. He literally could not go on like this. 

He wasn't going to be her dirty little secret any more.  If she wanted him then everyone was going to know.    If she couldn't accept that, then it was the end of the road. 

Daniel decided that they were going to a club that some of his team had gone to. They walked as it wasn't far. The blonde, whose name was Carrie, slipped her arm through his. He made no move to pull away. That had been his first mistake.

As they walked into the club he saw Mollie straight away. He felt his jealousy boiling up as he saw she was sat with McDevitt. Hadn't  taken her long to move on, had it? If that's how she wanted it! He bent his head and kissed Carrie on the lips. That was his second mistake.

He watched as Mollie stomped up to the bar. Surely she wasn't drinking? He watched as the bartender made up a vodka and coke.  Perhaps she was getting it for McDevitt.  Then he saw her down it in one and slam the glass on the counter. 

"Excuse me for a minute," he told Carrie.  He unlinked his arm from hers and walked briskly across to Mollie, who had just received another drink.  He grabbed her wrist as she went to pick it up.

"Mols, what the fuck do you think you are doing?  You know you shouldn't be drinking."

"What the fuck has it got to do with you?" she spat.  "You don't care.  Why don't you fuck off back to that blonde bitch you were kissing?"

"I was trying to make you jealous.  I can see it worked."

"You never needed to make me jealous!  You're the one that finished it!"

"Ok so maybe I was jealous when I saw you sat with McDevitt."

"I was sat with my teammate!"

"Who kissed you!"

"I'm not listening to this.  Just fuck off.  What I do is none of your business.  If I wanna fuck him I can.   I can fuck the whole grid if I want to."

"You're being childish."

"And you're being a prick. Now let go of my wrist."

He picked up Mollie's drink and downed it himself.

Then he let her go. 

"I can get another one you know."

"Mollie, please don't.  You've done so well.  Please don't undo all the good progress you've made.  Whatever's driven you to drink, it isn't worth it."

"It's you!   You Seb!  It's the only way I can forget you.  And even now you're here in my fucking face."

She stormed off back towards the table. Seb followed her.

"Mollie, don't you walk away from me."

She picked her bag up. Seb grabbed her arm. She pulled back.

"Don't fucking touch me!" she shouted.

"You heard her Vettel. Leave her alone."

"Stay out of this McDevitt" Seb snarled, turning to face the American. "She'll never want you, you know that right? Because she wants me. She always has and always will."

Scott stood up and squared up to Seb. "Doesn't look like she wants you now, so fuck off."

"Make me."

Mollie felt a sob rising in her throat. She didn't want this. She turned and fled out of the club.

Seb turned and chased after her.

"Mollie,please. Wait! I'm sorry. I love you. I just can't cope with this sneaking around any more. Please, I'm begging you. Be mine."

She turned and looked at him and he saw the trails of mascara running down her cheeks, where she was crying.

"Seb, I..."

"Mollie, are you ok?" Scott said, appearing behind Seb.

"I just want to go back to the hotel."

"I'll walk you. Vettel, just leave her alone."

"You fucking touch her and I'll kill you McDevitt. She's mine."

Scott grinned menacingly and leant in close to Seb. "Not any more. Maybe now I'll get my chance. I'm looking forward to having her in my bed," he whispered in Seb's ear.

Seb snapped. He grabbed Scott by his shirt front and slammed him up against the nearby building.

"You bastard."

"Seb!" Mollie screamed. "Stop it!"

The sound of her voice seemed to calm Seb down. He let go of Scott and moved away. As he turned Scott lashed out with a punch that connected with the side of Seb's head, knocking him to the floor. Mollie cried out. "Seb!"

Seb stood up and threw a return punch, splitting Scott's lip. Then they were both lunging at each other, fists flying.

Mollie dashed between them, trying to break it up.
Somehow she managed to separate them.

"You two both need to fucking grow up, brawling in the streets like two fucking kids. Now listen to me both of you. I belong to no one. Scott I was never yours. I am not interested. Seb, I was yours. You let me go. You have no say in my life any more."

"Mols, please. I love you."

"Yeah well, sometimes love just isn't enough," she said as she turned and walked away.

"You're a fucking idiot Vettel," Scott said. "Why would you let a woman like that go?"

Seb sank down and sat on the curb. Scott sat next to him, wiping his bloodied lip on his sleeve.

"She's made it clear where we stand."

"You're giving up that easy? Never thought you were a quitter. Word of advice. Don't leave it too late. Some other guy, not me obviously, will snap her up and you'll regret it for the rest of your pathetic life."

He stood up. "Go after her Seb. Make things right."

He headed back inside the club, leaving Seb alone. He knew he'd made his third mistake of the evening. He shouldn't have let her go. He got up and ran down the street in the direction she had disappeared, desperately trying to find her, but she was nowhere in sight.

He stopped and looked around. Where was she? "Mollie!!!" he screamed.

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