30. Texan Torment

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A/N. Just a quick warning ⚠️ Things start getting pretty dark in this chapter. 

The man stood outside the hotel looking up at the top floor. She was up there somewhere. Mollie. The object of his hatred. The object of his desire. He strode into the lobby and checked in, smiling at the pretty young blonde on the desk. She looked at him, undressing him with her eyes, her expression letting him know that she'd be up for a bit of fun if he wanted.

He might just take her up on that. With the lights off he could pretend she was Mollie. It would feel much better cumming inside a woman rather than in his hand.

He heard a familiar voice and turned around. "Alright?" asked Lewis Hamilton. He nodded.

"All good thanks Lewis. You ok?"

"Can't complain. See you at the track tomorrow."

Lewis disappeared out of the entry door, followed closely by his physio, Angela.

The man made his way into the elevator. He was soon joined by a few familiar faces. He nodded at them in acknowledgment.

He got off on the fourth floor and located his room. After he'd unpacked his belongings he took a folded piece of paper out of the small inside pocket of his jacket. He stared at the photo of Mollie he'd torn from an Autosport magazine at Heathrow airport. Her race suit was hanging down from her hips and her white fireproof top pulled tight over her generous breasts. What he'd give to see those beauties.

He read the caption below it. His face twisted in rage as he noticed they'd called her a rising star. She was not. She was dangerous. She was overrated. She didn't deserve to be in F1.

He picked the piece of paper up and tore it into shreds, letting all the pieces flutter to the floor.

Her career would end up the same, in pieces, once he'd finished with her.


"Listen Mols, I know you don't like it but it's the way things have to be for now. You know why. Please humour me. I have to know you're safe."

Mollie wrenched her hand out of Seb's. She wasn't happy at all. She'd humoured him all through the Singapore race weekend, and through the Japanese one.

She was beginning to feel suffocated and she'd had enough. The man was all talk. He wouldn't do a thing to her. He just liked having her scared. Well, she wasn't going to be scared any more!

"I'm sorry Seb. I know it's only because you care but I refuse to be babysat any more. I know you have your meeting but I'm perfectly safe here in the hotel. I am not sitting here with Antti all evening. I'm going to meet Ash, Joel, Will, Kara and the others in the hotel bar. I will be perfectly safe with them. I stayed in the whole time in Singapore and Japan. I've had enough."

Seb shook his head, sighing. Why did she have to be so stubborn. He knew she wasn't going to back down so he decided to compromise.

"I'll walk you down. Make sure one of them walks you back." Mollie scowled. Seb leant over and kissed her. "I love you Mollie Elise," he murmured.

"I love you too."

He headed to the door and went out into the corridor where Britta was waiting for him. "I'll meet you down in the lobby. I'm just going to walk Mollie down to the bar."

She nodded and headed for the elevator.


Mollie wasn't feeling so brave as she sat in the hotel bar. Was he here? Was he watching her, planning his next move?

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