36. Becoming One

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A/N ok, I didn't do my research properly.  Apparently you can only officially get married in Dubai if one of the couple are a resident but for the story's sake and for my own sanity let's ignore that and just carry on.  Also I have no idea of how a marriage ceremony would go in Dubai, so I'm using my artistic licence. Hope you all enjoy it anyway!

"Mum, please don't cry, you'll set me off," Mollie said the following evening. 

Kate Rashford dabbed her eyes with a tissue.  It was a good job she was wearing waterproof mascara.

"My baby girl is getting married.  I'm supposed to cry. Oh Mollie, you look so beautiful."

"She's right Mols, about her crying and about you being beautiful," Cassie agreed.  Mollie looked at herself in the full length mirror.  She looked so different.  She didn't look like a racing driver.  She looked like a fairytale princess. 

"Your dress is amazing!" Sophia exclaimed.  "Oh Mols, Seb is going to melt into a hot messy puddle when he sees you."

Mollie looked in the mirror again.  The Grecian style dress had been the first she had tried on.  She'd fallen in love with it the second she had seen it.

Her hair was styled in an elegant chignon with little white flowers threaded in it

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Her hair was styled in an elegant chignon with little white flowers threaded in it.

Debra, the hair and makeup artist that had been flown out especially for the wedding,  gathered her gear up

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Debra, the hair and makeup artist that had been flown out especially for the wedding,  gathered her gear up. Her work was complete.

"Good luck and congratulations in advance," she said, before taking her leave.

"It's nearly time," Sophia announced. Mollie felt the nerves finally kick in.

"What if he's changed his mind?"

"Mollie don't talk rubbish," Kate said. "That man loves you more than anything. Nothing could change his mind. "

"She's right Mols. I've never seen a man more in love than Seb is with you," Cassie added.

"You girls look amazing," Mollie declared. Cassie and Sophia were wearing light blue dresses. Their hair was hanging loose with diamanté hair grips at the side of their heads.

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