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The sound of screeching breaks echoed around the circuit. Mollie heard the impact before she saw it. The car hit the wall, spinning back into the path of the oncoming pack.

The driver never really stood a chance. Mollie screamed as the memories of Abu Dhabi hit her. Not again!

No Seb, no! She climbed the barriers and ran, dodging the marshalls to get to the stricken green car. As she reached it she saw the river of blood flowing from the broken chassis.

"No!" she screamed, before doubling over and vomiting.

Forcing herself to continue, she reached the car, or rather what was left of the car. She reached out and flipped Seb's visor up. Only it wasn't Seb's eyes that stared back at her. It was her own.


Mollie shot up in bed, sweat dripping off of her forehead despite the chill in the air. Another night, another dream. She got out of bed, slipped a T-shirt on and headed to the bathroom.

She splashed some cold water on her face and sat down on the toilet trying to calm her breathing down. After a few minutes she succeeded and headed back to the bedroom.

She paused as she re-entered the room, staring at the naked man in her bed. He was sleeping on his back with one leg hanging out of the covers.

She smiled and slipped back into the bed besides him. He stirred and rolled over, draping one arm over her stomach.

"You ok?" he mumbled.

"Yes, just needed a wee," she lied.

"Try and get some sleep," he said, kissing her forehead. "Big day tomorrow."

He was right. Tomorrow marked the beginning of testing. Her first testing as a Formula 1 driver.

Last time she was here in Barcelona she was a Formula W driver. Now she was up against the men, the best of the best and she was beginning to panic.

Could she compete with them? Did she deserve to be there?

She heard a small snore from besides her. He'd gone back to sleep. She lay staring at the ceiling, the moonlight shining through a gap in the curtains.

She didn't want to sleep. She was scared the nightmares would be waiting for her. Instead she lay thinking. Thinking of that day in Germany.


"Mollie, what I'm telling you now, it's top secret and I'm trusting you to keep it to yourself.  Will is leaving Formula 1 at the end of the season."

Mollie's mouth dropped open with shock.  Will leaving?   He was younger than she was, why would he be leaving?

"Will has been struggling this season as you may have noticed.  His confidence has gone down and he is lacking in motivation. He's been struggling with his mental health and has been questioning whether Formula 1 is the correct path for him. He has agreed with us that it would be for the best to take some time out from Formula 1. And as you know he's been doing a lot of environmental campaigning so we've come to an agreement that he will be moving to our new Formula E team.  There he can rebuild his confidence and find out what he truly wants, as well as raising awareness for the causes close to his heart."

"Wow. I wasn't expecting that, but how does this concern me?"  Matthew gave a small laugh. 

"Mols.  I'd like you to replace him. You and Luca could be just what we need to start challenging the big boys.  You've always been good enough Mols. You just needed the experience and now I believe you do.  You've also shown you're a fighter.  I know you're a risk.  There's other drivers that would be safer options, but I am going with my gut. What do you say Mollie? Interested?"

Mollie was speechless. It was what she'd always wanted, but now the opportunity was being dangled in front of her she was full of doubts.

If she accepted, what would it mean for hers and Seb's relationship? They'd be directly competing against each other for the first time. They'd be rivals. Could their relationship survive that?

"Of course I have to be honest. Will may change his mind. If that does happen TBR would be delighted for you to move to Formula E with them, and to be Thorne's reserve driver."

Formula E, another great opportunity but again, it might end up coming between her and Seb. They'd hardly see each other. She had a lot to think about.

"Can I think about it Matthew?"

"Sure. Take your time. But not too much time ok?"

Mollie left the room stunned. What the hell was she going to do?


Mollie finally drifted off to sleep and when she woke the next morning the other side of her bed was empty. She showered and pulled on her team shirt with a pair of jeans and her team fleece. She looked at herself in the mirror. The black and bright yellow colours of Thorne were going to take a while to get used to.

She grabbed her rucksack as a knock sounded on the door. That would be Ash. She opened the door, wished him good morning, then they headed down to the lobby.

There they met with Mollie's new press officer, Kara. Mollie really liked Kara and had a feeling they would become good friends. She was going to miss Cassie, but she knew she'd see her about.

They went outside and Ash went to collect the car.

"Nervous?" Kara asked.

"Shitting it!" Mollie replied.

"You'll be fine. Ok so, first up, grid photo. Then Scott's taking the morning session. You've got the media."  Mollie groaned.

"Oh joy. Am I allowed to get Daniel Hunter ejected?"

"Mollie. He's a shit, I know that,  but you have to try and get on with them all.  You don't need bad publicity."

"I know. I just can't stand the man.  He's printed so much bullshit."

"Just smile, grit your teeth and get on with it."

"I'll try."

Ash pulled up in front of them and they jumped in the car.  This was it.  They set off for the circuit.  Testing was about to begin.

Life in the Fastlane (Sebastian Vettel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin