35. Dubai

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Mollie and Sophia squealed and threw their arms around each other. 

"It's so good to see you!" Mollie exclaimed.  She hadn't seen much of her friend lately as Formula W hadn't raced in Bahrain,  and Mollie had pretty much been a hermit in Mexico and Austin. 

"How are you?" Sophia asked her, concern showing in her eyes.  "You've had a rough time of it."

"I'm getting there.  Seb has been amazing.  And I feel a bit better knowing Hunter won't be in Saudi or Abu Dhabi."

"Have you had any letters or anything since Austin?"

Mollie shook her head. "No, it's all been quiet. I can handle any letters.  Between Seb and Ash, he's not getting anywhere near me. Plus now we're here the security is top notch. I won't go out of the grounds without company but on site I'm getting a little more freedom. No-one knows we're here apart from people we trust."

"Anyway....enough of that.  How beautiful is this place? You and Seb chose well."

"Yeah it's like a little slice of paradise," Mollie said. 

They'd flown to Dubai after the Bahrain race and would be staying there until leaving for Saudi.  Mollie and Seb had been there for four days already. 

"Are your family here yet?"

"Yes, they arrived this morning. Mum's taking a nap. Dad and Jude are in the pool with Seb and Fabian."

"Seb's family are here already?"

"Yeah, they got here yesterday.  His sisters couldn't make it though, work and family commitments."

"Oh Mollie. I'm so happy for you." 

Mollie smiled as she once again thought of the reason their families were all there in Dubai.  It wasn't for a holiday. 

They were there to see Seb and Mollie become husband and wife. 

Neither of them had wanted to wait, so had decided to take advantage of the break between Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.

It wasn't common knowledge around the paddock,  but a few of the drivers that they were close to had been invited, including Lewis, Daniel, Luca and Lance,  and some of the Formula W drivers, including Sophia, Kimberley and Paola.

Cassie was also flying in to attend, as was Will. 

The wedding was going to be the following day, at sunset on the beach. 

"I need to check in but let's have some girly time.  I see they have a spa.  Fancy it?"

"Damn right I do.  I'll call Kimberley and Paola and see if they want to meet there.  Cassie won't be here for a few more hours though."

"She'll be here for your hen party though?"

"I wouldn't call it a hen party Sophia," Mollie laughed. "It's just pizza and a chick flick!"

"What's Seb doing with the lads?"

"I don't know. I don't think I want to know. If Daniel Ricciardo is involved anything could happen."

"So who's coming tonight? Are yours and Seb's mums going to be here?"

"Oh yes, they can't wait. I'm sure Mum has brought some embarrassing baby photos of me with her. Cassie should be, as I said. You, Paola, Kimberley, Kara, Lance's girlfriend Sara."

"I hope Seb's not coming back tonight. It's bad luck for the groom to see the bride the night before the wedding."

"He's staying with Fabian. Once he's gone for the evening Mum's going to bring my dress over. She's been keeping it in her room so Seb doesn't see it."

"I can't wait to see it!"

"Yours and Cassie's bridesmaid dresses are in her room too. She'll bring them along."

"I'm so honoured you asked me Mols."

"Who else would I ask? You've been there for years. The best teammate ever. One of the best friends I could ever ask for. And Cassie, my oldest friend."

"I'm getting a tear in my eye now you bitch." Sophia laughed.

"Come on. You go check in. I'll go and get changed and call Kimberley and Paola."

They strode through the lobby arm in arm to the check in desk. Mollie left Sophia there and strode into the elevator, pressing the button for the top floor.

Seb had gone all out and booked the penthouse suite. Their families were all on the floor below.

She opened the door to the suite and entered. She could hear Seb muttering in German through in the bedroom.

"What's wrong with you?" she said, peeking around the door.

Seb jumped, he hadn't heard her enter the suite.

"Christ Mollie, you nearly gave me a heart attack."

She laughed. "I'm sorry babe. What's up?"

"Nothing's wrong. I just overheard Fabian and Father talking. I think Father's got the baby photos with him for tonight."

"Join the club. Mum's doing the same. I thought you were at the pool anyway "

"I was but then I decided to come back for a bit. I want to spend some time with you before I have to leave. Come here."

She walked into his outstretched arms, their mouths meeting in a loving kiss. She inhaled his scent. He smelt so good. "Unfortunately baby I have plans."

"What?" he demanded, pretending to be offended. "What's better than spending time with your husband to be?"

"A spa afternoon with the girls!"

"How can I compete with that?"

"You can't," she joked.

"Seriously baby, have a great time. You deserve it. And tonight. Have fun. I'll be thinking of you."

"I have to call Kimberley and Paola."

Seb smiled and resumed packing his stuff for the night. Mollie looked so carefree. Her spirits had lifted immensely since arriving here in Dubai.

As he zipped his bag up he turned to her. "I'm going to head off now sweetheart. If you're not here then I'll head to Fabian's early. Can I get a kiss?"

She stood and kissed him hard. He pulled back. "Hey, I think we need to cool it or you'll be missing spa time."

He picked up his suit that was hanging in a zip up bag in the wardrobe. Carrying it and dragging a small suitcase, he headed towards the door.

"I'll see you on the beach tomorrow Miss Rashford. I love you."

"I love you too."

Mollie was still smiling ten minutes later as she left the suite to meet the girls.  She was so excited for tomorrow. 

She couldn't wait to become Mrs
Vettel.  Finally something amazing was happening after all the shit she'd had to face recently. 

The girls were waiting for her in the lobby.  They all hugged and headed off to the spa to begin her final
afternoon as an unmarried woman.

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