24. The Pool Party

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"Do we really have to go?" Seb moaned as they climbed out of Mollie's BMW.

"Yes, stop being a party pooper. I don't get to see Will often. He finished runner up in Formula E in his first season. He wants to celebrate with his friends."

"Is McDevitt going to be here?"

"I don't know," she answered honestly. "Probably though."

"He'd better keep his hands and his eyes off of you. I swear to God if I catch him even looking at you in your bikini I'll kill the fucker."

"Seb, I'm with you. He knows that. Now
come on. Grab the beer off the back seat." Mollie grabbed the bag with her bottle of Pepsi in it. They headed up the drive towards the large country house, and rang the doorbell.

It soon opened and Mollie saw the familiar face of her race engineer.

"Joel! " she exclaimed. He hugged her and shook hands with Seb.

It had only been a week since they'd seen him in Hungary but after a few beers he was being affectionate with everyone. 

"Come on through.  Everyone else is already here I think."

They followed him through the ground floor.  Mollie had never been to Will's house and was pretty impressed with it. 

"Nice place," Seb commented. "Maybe we should look for something like this."

Mollie turned and gave him a strange look.  "Well, we can't keep living in your little apartment.  There's no room to swing a cat!"

"We?  You're moving in with me now?"  Seb shrugged and grinned at her. 

"Might as well.  Think of the benefits.  Sex whenever you want it.  And I know you like my pancakes."

"Seb, if this is because of the letter, then it's ok, I'll be fine.  I've had nothing since Miami. I think he's given up. "

"I admit I'll feel better knowing I'm there to protect you, but that's not the main reason. I want to be with you all the time because I love you. It's that simple."

They exited the house through the glass double doors, heading over towards where everyone was gathered.

"Mollie, Seb! Welcome to my humble abode," shouted an already tipsy Will. He approached them, shaking hands with Seb and pulling Mollie into a hug.

"Hey Will. Well done on runners up! Great rookie season."

"You're not doing too bad yourself. Silverstone was amazing!"

"Yeah, wasn't too shabby was it?"

"Help yourself to any drinks. Ah, I see you've brought some. Put it over on that table over there near Lirim."

They deposited the drinks on the table. Mollie heard a cry of delight and turned to find Cassie heading her way.

"Cassie!" she cried, throwing her arms around her friend.

"Mols, I am so happy to see you. You're looking amazing. Seb! How are you?"

They followed Cassie over to the table she was sat at with Sophia and Ash.  After greeting each other, Seb and Ash went to grab some drinks from the ice box. 

"So Mollie, you and Seb are on again?" Cassie asked. 

"You really think they were ever off?" Sophia laughed.

"We were off " Mollie protested.  "Well until New Year's Eve."  The other girls laughed. 

"You brought your swimming gear?" Sophia asked.

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