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"Dad?" I immeditely shook my head when those words spurted from my mouth without permission. What was I talking about? This strange man, the same one that had been folllowing me around for as long as I noticed was right in front of me. The same ominious and ambigious stature that always seemed to be in the same places as I was... almost at all times was now was touching me familiarly and for some reason, the energy he radiated was something more than a complete stranger.

I may have not wanted to believe it at the current moment, that he was in someway biologically related to me, but he had touched my face and I had recognized that gesture as if it had happened before.

Many times than I could probably count on my hands.

Many times than I could probably count on my hands

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"Trench coat stranger... you have been following me around." I stated with absolute tone of seriousness. I wanted to pull my face and body away from this man so I could process what was going on a bit more objectively, but it felt impossible; his energy radiated off of his body like a magnetic force that one could only lull and seduce an individual to stay within its grace.

He had so much power. Something foreign and ancient, and for an odd reason, I felt bonded to that.

The man's voice was gruff and baritone, lower than I had ever heard a man's voice go. Yet, just like the many physical properties of the stranger, I acknowledged it. As a matter of fact, the voice sounded heavily like the kind that interuptted my dream sequences... calling out to me reletntlessly before I was jerked out of my celestial visions.

"Why do you call me trench coat man? I am not wearing one as of current." He stated matter-of-factly. Out of all the things he could answer from my statement, he chose to address what I always called him since I had no name to attach to his hidden figure.

I huffed, my frustration getting the best of me as I puckered my lips in annoyance, my face followed suit, blowing up like a fish out of water. "Because that's all you ever wore around me when I was close enough to see." I tried to focus elsewhere other than his face, but again, I was almost magnetically pulled to gaze right into his glowing blue eyes; they shined as if he were intentionally keeping me from looking elsewhere in the area we were around.

He chuckled softly, the sound rumbling in the core of his broad chest as if he found my reacion amusing. "You reactions remain the same ever since you were an infant, how fascinating." He stated.

I furrowed my brow at his statement. What did he mean by that?

Had he known me since I was an infant?

How could that have even been possible as I have no recollection of ever meeting this man, nevertheless any of my family members ever mentioning that he was someone that was an active part in my life.

The trench coat man was a stranger.

Or at least that is what I am leading myself to believe.

"I don't think I've ever met you as a child, your face is unfamiliar to me." I replied to his vague statement to his surprise. The strange man didn't wait another moment, he used one of his hands and reached up to graze the crescent symbol on my forehead and I suddenly felt my vision become disorted and crippled right in front of me. The sacred waterfall space that I had come to clear my mind, train with my mentor, and harvest my chakra powers had coverted to my childhood home; the one I had waved goodbye to on my way to Clouiths.

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