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There were so many people at this table; that was my initial thought once I had made myself comfortable at the dining table.

It seemed as if on one side, closest to the su-Emperor, was reserved for people along with the academy's faculty such as Headmistress Omprus, cousin Niloh, followed by my false father, his fiancée Scholar Raelle, her daughter Kezia, and then my brother who had finally reappeared and apologized to the table for his late entry; he soon fell silent after a menacing glare from the High Chancellor.

It seemed as if on one side, closest to the su-Emperor, was reserved for people along with the academy's faculty such as Headmistress Omprus, cousin Niloh, followed by my false father, his fiancée Scholar Raelle, her daughter Kezia, and then my br...

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There was an addition of Clouiths staff that also sat down the line of the table beside Zimiri that I was not exactly familiar with, but they seemed to be in top positions as well.

One of them, in particular, did catch my attention, unfortunately, mostly because it was none other than the creepy, Mr. Doan who once captured my attention, winked in recognition to me.

I was annoyed that I was sharing a table with him and that surface-level woman Hilaria, but thankfully since I was higher up at the table, I didn't have to look down there as often, which in return meant fewer encounters with the admissions director.

In addition to that, I was surprised to see that my mother and Yursa had also been invited to the table. I just assumed since they were invited like the rest of the parents of students at Clouiths, that there would be reserved seats elsewhere.

I'm glad that they were able to sit here.

I wonder if Aunt Aquila or dad had anything to do with it? Either way, I was quite happy when my mother took a seat beside me and Yursa right alongside her.

My smile beamed tremendously. "Mom, you're sitting here?" I whispered to her.

She nodded adamantly, a smile of her own mirroring mine, "Yes! It isn't lovely, I was hoping I would be able to sit next to you for the banquet." She replied in a giddy manner to me.

My father who had obviously heard the side conversation due to his proximity turned slightly in our direction and nodded, "I had Niloh speak to the committee director of the events here at Clouiths and re-arrange your seating so you could all be together." He informed both of us.

My mother seemed surprised by the action, the expression on her deep complexion said it all, "Oh! Well, Orion—." She cleared her throat and corrected herself, "Your Majesty the Archduke, I thank you greatly for your consideration of my daughter and me." She stated formally.

My father kept his gaze lingered on her momentarily and offered a slight nod before turning his attention away from her.

"Thanks, dad." I found myself saying to him for his small deed of kindness.

He didn't look at me, but I knew he had heard me by the slight nod of acknowledgment he had offered me.

"She is your mother, she deserves to sit by you especially during this time. I will do anything to ensure you are comfortable, Snoh." He replied to me simply.

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