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           "Honestly, not fair! It's your first iso here and you already get to reside at the upperclassmen's residences!" Enid huffed as we made our way to what the administrator called the Saunlor building. In the admin office, she spent a copious amount of time explaining the history behind this house and its significance while quite frankly, I tuned her out due to the onset of fatigue rushing over me from having moved around a lot today from the train to the campus, to my father's office and now this.

            I was convinced that just walking around the pathways alone would be enough exercise to last a quss! Despite that, I was able to meet up with Enid after I had gotten all my paperwork and assignment for accommodation and scheduling completed. I was thankful he was willing to help me unpack and get myself situated, knowing that I had an overload of trunks and luggage waiting to be placed somewhere.

           "Well, if we're being technical... most of the buildings have filled up and Saunlor had one more shared suite with an empty room that I could use, at least that's what the headmistress told me," I said to him. Enid despite my response, pouted, I turned to look at him with an arched stare, "What? Isn't your building nice?" I inquired.

          He nodded, "I mean... yes, but it only gets better every year that you study at Clouiths, so you would imagine the first- and second-year homes compared to the others! Makes my space look like a shack!" He explained.

          I smirked at my friend, "Is this your way of shamelessly bragging about the academy?" I teased him.

          Enid chuckled, "No need to brag when the academy is doing all the talking itself. I mean look at this place!" Enid gestured to the space around us filled with lush vegetation, cobblestone pathways, and clean-shaven yards, "The tuition may be high, but you'll see very soon that a lot of it's put to good use to keep this pleasing to the eyes." He smiled.

          He was right about that, the longer I stood and walked around, the more and more I saw what that seizure-inducing price tag was all about. There were many students that attended here, both affluent and others not, though in combination I'm sure the academy made tons, enough to supply everyone with an experience they would never forget; even I could say the moment I walked through those large metal gates, I was entranced by the sheer design and magnitude of Clouiths.

          I could only imagine what my room looked like at this point!

          "I still can't believe you here..." I turned a bit to see that Enid was smiling at me warmly, still in disbelief that I was here. At least some people were excited to see me, it almost made up for how poorly my brother and father had treated me upon my arrival. "Me neither.... this is almost like a dream, I thought I'd never have powers, now look at me!" I beamed.

          Enid agreed with me, "Yeah speaking of powers... you failed to mention a couple of things to me in your letters, we have some serious talking to do." He scolded me with a narrowed gaze.

             I laughed, "Sorry, I got carried away talking about Saam, you know how I get. A few things may have... slipped. But we have all the time in the world to catch up now, huh?" I focused my gaze towards the pathway that Enid was leading us to. Saunlor couldn't be too far now, the path was clearing up now leading to more open space, indicating that a building was not too far from where we are.

              "Mhm sure... slipped, or perhaps you enjoy the element of surprise snowflake, either way, you're definitely going to be the talk of the academy for a while now." He stated as he continued dragging my luggage behind him.

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