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23rd Quss of Uid, Crescent Amerf

To my lovely family,

I have officially made it past my first week at Clouiths! So much has happened in such a short amount of time I can hardly take the time to explain in this letter; it would be several pages long!

I have missed you all dearly. I hope all is well in Wegrea during this time, the season is changing pretty soon and it will get colder so please keep warm.

So far, my classes have been quite interesting and informative. I find myself spending most of my time studying the material as I am a bit behind than the other students, but it's okay because the subject matter keeps me enthralled. The academy is quite large, I still have yet to discover all there is to offer here; I can see why you had such a great time here, mom.

I hope I can make as many friends as you did here, I've already met a few friendly faces that I hope can become lifelong companionships and more. Though it can be quite difficult at times here with the reputation as the High Chancellor's daughter I feel as if everyone sees that before they see me.

That or the fact that I can wield three elements.

Students and teachers alike are fascinated and watch me practice magic like some sort of anomaly or science experiment. Embarrassingly enough, in my first warding class, I managed to knock through an experienced scholar's ward and multiple students afterward; I didn't think my magic would be that strong but my mentor Scholar Ioanna Gah says it's normal for individuals like us.

As for settling down, I think I'm doing fairly well. I was placed in the upperclassmen's housing named Saunlor. Have you ever been to this residence, mom?

It's grand and stunning, my room is just as extravagant though at first, it was rather bleak before Enid aided in sprucing it up with me. I have a suitemate from Eteny, she's very direct, to say the least, but we shared a sip of tea together a few nights ago and she has a pretty cat named Blurr.

I know you're probably wondering and worried about Zimiri. He seems to be doing well, I met him on my first day here, though he wasn't as welcoming to see me here as I thought he would be. But he was shocked nonetheless. But probably not as shocked as I was to hear that he is in a serious courtship with Her Holiness, the Domina of Eteny, the heir to the Holy Throne that may lead to a union!

It didn't seem as if she was aware of me until I showed up, but she invited me for tea in the coming days, so I have that to look forward to. I'll keep you posted on our meeting when it comes.

As for Dad,

Well... he was just as shocked to see me here and even more stunned to learn of my natural abilities alongside the fact that Her Imperial Majesty had sponsored me. He hasn't changed much and is still quite grumpy and resentful of me; it hurts sometimes to know he's this way only with me. I haven't talked with them both much since coming here. But I did learn that one of the Scholars, Raelle Leogio who is teaching my primary water wielding course has been engaged to father for a couple of isos now!

She knew nothing of me and was quite astonished to hear that dad had a daughter. I tried confronting him about it, but he quickly dismissed me. It's as if he doesn't want me to be part of his life anymore.

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