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                  The evening of the Full Moon Ritual has commenced, thus the eerily quiet sounds of Saunlor residents shuffling within their own accommodations preparing for their own personalized ceremony were the only sounds that could be heard. But I wasn't focused on what everyone else was doing, I'm sure things like this were normal to them, but to me, I had to make sure it was right

                  After praying and giving thanks and offerings to Goddess Naiad at my altar, I walked over to my stained-glass windows and pushed open the curtains wide enough so the full glow of the moon began to shine down into my space. The piercing rush of the moon's bright rays instantly lit up my room far past than the candles that I had ignited could do.

                  Just beside me, I observed the moon catcher I had  purchased recently was beginning to suck in the vigor of the moon so that the liquid could drip down the specialized purifying amethyst crystals towards the empty jar I had desig...

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                  Just beside me, I observed the moon catcher I had purchased recently was beginning to suck in the vigor of the moon so that the liquid could drip down the specialized purifying amethyst crystals towards the empty jar I had designated to collect the special moon water.

                  The liquid itself was almost a cloudy milky consistent that drizzled past the purple stones, gliding with an effortlessness that left me rather mesmerized; magic was such an interesting and interactive subject that seemed complex in nature, but when someone stepped back and thought about it, everything was connected.

                  The liquid itself was almost a cloudy milky consistent that drizzled past the purple stones, gliding with an effortlessness that left me rather mesmerized; magic was such an interesting and interactive subject that seemed complex...

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                  Energy, life, natural materials... somehow it all came together to create what we know now.

                  I left the jar alone to collect more of the specialized water and then began preparing my washroom for the cleansing ritual. It was imperative to clean your surrounding area due to things such as dirt and clutter tampering with the full of effects of the bath. I made sure everything was neatly organized and put away before moving towards the next step of the ceremony.

                  I grabbed a medium-sized bowl and began mixing in a variety of bath salts together, all the favorite kinds that I enjoyed and complimented each other such as lavender, chamomile, and vanilla—very relaxing scents. Thankfully Mrs. Wasip was very generous to gift me so many different kinds for my time here in Clouiths so I had a plethora to choose from and for that reason, I could splurge on other magical items that I may need for my studies.

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