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                My first night in my suite at Saunlor residences was a quite restless one. Although my body screamed for rest after a long and event-filled day, the unfamiliarity of the space I slept in brought me anxiety way beyond my control. Now that Enid had gone off to take care of his own matters for the day, it was only Saam and me; I also have yet to meet the woman I was going to be sharing this living space with for the duration of my time here.

                I had no idea if she had returned to the suite the afternoon I spent unpacking and putting my personal items out in their own designated space or not. I assumed perhaps she wasn't in for the day, or maybe I had just missed her when my door was shut. Either way, I was determined to meet her eventually; I wanted to make as many new friends and connections as I could here at Clouiths.

                There was no growth within staying within the same kind of people all the time.

               Realizing I had no more sleep in me, I arose; it was rather earlier than I would usually get up in Wegrea but I think that had to do with the change in brightness. I had left my curtains open as a force of habit and as a result, the morning sun bore into the room illuminating the suncatchers effortlessly. I watched as the crystals dangled softly off the edge of the built-in shelving perched against the stripped paneling of the room.

               The shards of light basked the room in twinkling rainbow lights that gave off a strong energy to the live plants that resting comfortably on various furniture pieces away from it.

               I walked over to the tall stain-glassed windows and peered my eyes out towards the view of the garden below me. I noticed Flora was down there, a big sunhat rested at the top of her head and her knees rested beside the grass as she peacefully planted and tended to her growing organisms. Her hands glowed with a vibrating green and yellow light that easily transferred to the leaves of the greenery, leaving them with a shimmering glow.

               I could get used to a view like this, I thought to myself.

               Stifling a short yawn, I stretched my limbs and walked over to my desk where I had dropped off the agenda and papers for today. I wasn't yet set for classes—that would be for tomorrow; I was allowed a personal day to get myself together before being thrown full throttle into a new learning space. But today would also be the day that I would meet my mentor, Scholar Ioanna Gah. I only knew as much as Enid had told me about her and from what he has informed me, she was quite accomplished in her research work and notably intelligent as a result; I hope I would be able to get along well with her.

                 As I continued looking through my papers, my Koompas that rested against the wood of the desk vibrated intensely, causing my attention to shift away immediately. I reached over and grabbed the device, furrowing my brow at how to properly work it.

                "Enid showed me how to answer it just yesterday..." I muttered to myself.

                  The metal continued to shake against my fingers over and over again as I messed around with the knobs in an attempt to get the message that was beckoning me to review it.

                  "Turn the knobs counterclockwise, the lid will pull up and so will the message." Saam communicated to me. Oh, that's right! I felt Saam's claws rest against my shoulder and I turned to him, "Thank you! I remember now... also where have you been?" I questioned him curiously.

                  Saam hooted, "The Etherian woman has fresh and delicious worms for me to eat when she plants, so I watch her until she gives me some." He said blandly. I furrowed my brow at him, "Now you're going out around here begging for food... don't I feed you?" I scolded him.

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