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             The day before the train pulled into the Oaocene station, I barely could fall asleep; I don't know how I would be able to since this was my first time being far away from home, away from my family, and away from all I've known my entire life. All to pursue new gifts I had no idea I had until recently... it was exhilarating and most importantly...

                It was scary.

               My body was riddled with anxiety, tossing and turning as I pondered the people I would meet, the academic expectation, and my overall abilities. The Grand Empress had so much faith in me; even when I wasn't a trained student, then I had my family rooting for me to do my absolute best. This was not going to be anything like common schooling that I had when I was younger; I felt as if there was little room for error and that if I failed I would be... laughed at.

              "You overthink... we haven't even arrived yet," Saam interjected my thoughts soon as they began spiraling out of control. I sighed deeply and opened my eyes, gazing at the window where the sun was beginning to rise on the horizon. The sight was something I could not even form into words because I had rarely seen something of the sort; the sun was a very interesting object of light that brightened the entire atmosphere, even the small crevices where I didn't think heat would be able to touch.

             "I can't help it, Saam. This is a completely different environment than what I am used to. Not to mention, I don't know if I'll be able to keep up with everyone. Students at the academy have been studying since they've known they can wield elements so they can enroll in Clouiths, yet here I am waltzing through!" I confessed to him.

            I didn't want anyone to think I was arrogant or above what I was initially. I was being sponsored by the Empress that would be enough information for students to raise their eyebrows at me and set expectations; I suppose I needed to lay low and not draw too much attention to myself as to not set a reputation for myself. That was the best game plan I can think of since I was like a small sapling in a room full of full-grown and thriving plants; no need in giving people reasons to dislike me.

            "That is true, but there is nothing more you can do about that fact due to your unique circumstance... for now we will just play by what we see. I'm sure you'll meet a number of characters whose arrogance will make you forget about your own personal standing with her Majesty." He stated.

             I sat up on my elbows in my bed and looked over at Saam perched on the sitting chair by the window. "You're the one to talk about arrogance, you literally bleed the characteristic!" I mocked him.

           Saam scoffed, "I've had over five-hundred isos inhabiting this world... intending to find purpose... I'm allowed to be proud." He stated confidently.

           I rolled my eyes and flopped back onto my pillow. "Five-hundred isos, huh? You think I'll live as long as you, Saam?" I asked him curiously.


            I smirked slightly, "So you and I can live happily ever after forever." I teased him.

            Saam gagged. "I may have to contact my contract short then." He jested.

             I pursed my lips. "You're so funny," I replied sarcastically as I wrapped my arms over my chest in detest. Saam chuckled and flew over me, landing on my crossed arms, steadying his balance as he looked down at me.

           "Don't look at me!" I huffed, tossing my head to the side to avoid his piercing gaze.

            Saam seemed amused by my reaction and bent over to peck my arm. I quickly turned back to him, narrowing my gaze. "Ow..." I said out loud, "I think if you're the same species as Her Majesty, you will live as long as her if not more in my opinion. Long enough to annoy me to death." He replied.

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