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I really couldn't believe my father was really debating with the Prime Chairman on whether or not I was pestering him with my presence when it was clear we had been taking a walk with each other.

Just like him to be spiteful and resentful when it came to anything that I did. Not to mention that he had the scholar beside him looking just as wide-eyed and curious as someone who is still not fully ingrained in the drama between my father and me.

"Well, that is simply because we enjoy each other's company. Snoh and I tend to have very deep and intellectual conversations that far surpass that of a normal student. It is always a pleasure to spend time with her." Niloh replied to my apprehensive father. My dad looked back up at the Prime Chairman with disbelief that he would sing my praises while he, himself was under the impression that I was a nuisance to him.

My father cleared his throat and adjusted his blue-colored tie underneath his pristine plaid fitted day suit. "An intellectual conversation, huh?" My father shook his head again as if he could not fathom such a thing, "Prime Chairman there is no need to fabricate the truth, if my daughter is bothering you, you have every right to express that. I know you are probably too busy to be entertaining her right now." He stated once again in an attempt to throw me under the bus with the Chairman.

"Actually, I am not busy at all," Niloh replied nonchalantly to my father's dismay.

"Your father is quite insistent that you are troublesome, it's concerning." Niloh's voice instantly came into my head before I had anything to reply in regards to my father's comment.

I sighed deeply, "That's because he still thinks I am in my early childhood mentally. It's the last time he's really physically seen me since I began studying at Clouiths." I explained to him.

Niloh titled his head slightly, though his gaze remained focused on my father and his partner, "Children are always curious in childhood, no reason for him to assume at the age you are now that you would be doing the same thing, quite ignorant if I do say myself." He stated.

At least someone could understand that, unfortunately, my father is not one of those people.

My father chuckled at Niloh's words, almost in an unsure manner. I couldn't tell if he was bothered by what he was saying or the fact that he was saying it in such a passive manner that was beginning to tick him off.

"Prime Chairman, my daughter is a first-iso student, wouldn't you be more intellectually stimulated by perhaps my son, Zimiri? He's at the top of his classes and already does work for the administrative facility here and his intellect is quite on par with mine." He boasted confidently.

I wanted to scream out that his intellect was nothing more than pompous banter disguised as intelligence, but it was Niloh who spoke out before I was allotted that opportunity.

"Is that so? In that case, I would only assume sir Zimiri is just as frigid and stiff as you are. Quite frankly I prefer my conversations to have a free and natural tone. I save the rather dull conversations for meetings that I mentally tune out of." He smiled brightly as if he had said the most pleasant thing in the world, though the shock on my father's face could be framed and hung up in a museum; I believe it was that iconic.

"Frigid...dull?" My father sputtered out in shock.

Beside him, scholar Raelle rubbed his shoulder that she was holding onto tightly, "Dear, he was just being expressive with his words, right Prime Chairman?" She looked to Niloh for confirmation of her words, her red-painted lips parted widely in a nervous smile as if she were trying very hard to keep the peace between the two.

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