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Paris & S. Korea.

   It was almost a week since y/n came to Paris and had set her schedule there. She managed to get involved in that life all over again but this time it was difficult as she couldn't stop thinking about the members and Jhope especially. But she had decided to deal with everything like an adult so, she'd hardly call Jhope and would never leave sentimental messages. She would miss him to death but never quoted it. It was difficult but she had decided to give him his space.

   15 days and y/n had not called Jhope. She had just replied to his texts using minimal words. But now to the peak, Jhope was very impatient so he dialed a call to her. They spoke for a while when he told her, "Y/n, I don't need you to keep giving me space. Call me, talk to me, tell me about your day because I want to hear all that from you. I wanna talk to you. Every. Single. Day. okay?" She agreed to his demands and then after some time they disconnected the call.

2 months later.

   These months went by normally for both of them. They'd facetime and call each other frequently. It was all going good but y/n had no patience left now so she decided to go to S. Korea and give everyone a surprise. So she planned it all and a few days later took a flight to S. Korea. 

   She landed there but she made sure that no one recognized her. Then she took a cab to the members' block but as they were all to work in the other block she called their manager and managed to get in their condo. As she went in, the first thing she did was, she cleaned the place when she came across many letters and gifts in Jhope's room but she ignored it all and engaged herself in decorating the house. She also baked a cake for everyone and cooked the dinner. And then just in a while, all the members came back, they were so overwhelmed to see y/n after so long and the happiest was Jhope. 

   So as soon as they had dinner together, Jhope and y/n went for a walk and spent time together. After that he sent y/n to her condo and then went to his block.

   The next morning, y/n got up early and went to the members' block but they all had left for their practice so she decided to look into all the household things they had and order the things that were needed. So she started with the kitchen, where in one of the cabinets she found the letters and gifts she kept the other day. While arranging all that stuff she saw a letter with Jhope's name as a sender on it and so out of curiosity she opened it and started reading it. It seemed very personal but she continued and came across some lines that read, "Thankyou for being with me for so long. It's been 3 years of us being together, today. But I'm still the same guy who had a crush on you in the Uni and was super shy to express it so I thought to write it down. We have a long way to go. Love you."

   As y/n read all this she felt betrayed. She was broke to see her boyfriends' name in the sender's place and she was in pain with the thought that she had been cheated by someone whom she trusted the most. She kept weeping when suddenly the members came back and Jungkook saw her crying. He rushed to her and asked her the reason but she was in no state to answer. 

   Soon even the others rushed in but as soon as she saw Jhope's face she got up and made her way out of the block. He tried to call out her name but she had already left. While others were trying to call her and leave her texts, Jhope was very confused about what had happened because at the back of his mind he felt that he was the reason behind y/n's sorrow as he had seen her, see him and then leave. So he waited for a while to let her be calm and then asked Jimin to call her but as she didn't receive it Jhope thought to go to her by taking dinner alone. So he went to the kitchen, to cook something for her, when he saw the gifts cabinet open and scattered. So he went to arrange it and found the same letter and that's when he realized what had gone wrong. So without wasting any time he took the letter and rushed to y/n's condo. 


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