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S. Korea.

The next day, y/n got up with a headache but she managed to come to the living room in that situation when all the members saw her. Jungkook rushed to get her some medicine while V started asking her questions about the previous night. But before she could think about anything, Jimin got up when y/n went to thank him but there was something different that happened, he just smiled at her with a nod and made himself busy. After a while they got news of the rumours about y/n, due to which she was asked to shift to a different block for some days.

She settled there, which made her distant from the members but she would come to see Suga in a while. Something that had changed was her bond with Jhope and Jimin. Jhope would hardly talk to her while even Jimin kept it minimal. Y/n had been noticing these days, but whenever she'd go to talk to any of them, they would make excuses and make themselves busy. But that day, she made up her mind to talk to Jimin and ask him. She went to their block and was about to go to Jimin but she halted as her cell rang. She received it and as she heard the voice from the opposite side, tears flooded her eyes. It was a call from her mom.

   Y/n wanted to scream and cry and tell her mom about everything, about Suga, about all his success with pride but her thoughts stopped as she heard her mom say, "What's wrong with you? Even after me and your dad told you a number of times to stay away from Suga, why do I get to know that you are in Korea with him? And what did you do with the job? Left it for that idiot?" Y/n stood numb without saying anything while her mom continued, "Let me tell you this y/n, don't spoil your life with him. He has already ruined it all. Focus on your job. And again if I come to know about you being with him, I can take action against him and I'll do that because he can't spoil my daughter's life and no one will stop me there. Remember that and choose." her mom concluded and disconnected the call. 

   Y/n was so devastated after listening to all this that she made her way to the bedroom and wept in the pillow. She was broke by the thought of their own mother being so heartless about Suga. She wanted to scream and tell her mom about her son and make her feel proud but the things had been so opposite that y/n just couldn't process all this. She kept sobbing for a while till Jimin called her name. She looked up and he could sense how broke y/n was, so he went up to her and took her in an embrace to make her feel that she wasn't alone. She tried to calm down but she had to talk about this to someone and for her it had to be Jhope. As she got back from Jimin, her sight went to the hallway, where she saw Jhope looking at them, but as their eyes met, he paced up and went away. 

   As y/n saw him go, she rushed in his direction and made him wait in the middle of the yard. And then, y/n asked, "What's wrong? Why are you avoiding me lately?" "It's nothing like that. I mean no, I'm not avoiding you. And why would I do that?" Jhope questioned in return. "See I really don't know what has happened. But all I want to ask you is, can't you see I want to talk to you? You were the one who told me that you'd fucking always be there. But you know what, you weren't." As Y/n spoke, tears rolled down her cheeks and she kept looking at Jhope blankly. "Yes , I know that I told you, rather I promised to be by your side but why do you need me now? I mean why would you need someone else to talk to when you have got a boyfriend? You can tal-" Jhope was cut off in between as y/n spoke, "Wait. what? Who has even told you that I have a boyfriend?"

   "I'm not blind, y/n. I can see you being comfortable with Jimin, which is obviously not wrong as you are together. And also, I should apologize because I shouldn't have heard your conversation with him, when you came back drunk. But I did and I heard you confess your feelings for him. And I'm happy for both-" he was again cut off as y/n softly placed her lips on his. Then as he was taken aback, y/n continued, "Could you never feel that it was always you and no one else. I mean yes I do hang out a lot with Jimin but he has always been just a friend. And that night, exactly as you said, I was drunk. I thought it was you who got me home so I spilled the thoughts in my heart to the man in front of me. But, Mr. Jung Hoseok, I really like you." "And I like you too." Jhope said this and pulled y/n by waist and kissed her tenderly.

Later that night, y/n and Hobi sat in the backyard when y/n told him everything her mother had said to her. They spoke for a while but soon as it was windy, y/n fell asleep in Jhope's embrace. He then held her in his arms and took her to the room. He tucked her in bed and went to get some sleep in the living room, on the couch. 


I Know today's chapter was really special & I shouldn't have forgotten to upload. So I'm sorry for the late update.

keep reading and don't forget to vote*

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