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S. Korea.

   Y/n had always loved Korea but since her childhood, first for studies and then for the job she always lived in western countries. She'd only come there on vacation to meet her friends and family. But this time, she didn't have that freedom, due to the rumors. All she would go to was her work place which was the branch of the same company she worked in Paris, that too with complete security.

   So just like any other day, even that day she went to work but then at the time when she had to get back home, she called the staff that would come to take her but they told her that they were busy in a meeting with the heads. So rather than waiting she decided to take an unusual path home so no one would notice. As she started walking, just after a few miles some girls came along and started provoking y/n. They kept following her so she had to go somewhere to hide so she quickened her steps and went to a resto. As she sat there hiding her face, many unwanted things came to her mind. She felt bad about how she was ruining the image of the band her brother was a part of. She was overthinking it so bad that all that would heal her that moment was alcohol. So she went to the counter and drank till she got drunk. 

   The things after that happened next were all when she was 'high on spirits'. She then paid for her part and started walking back home. She got home in that situation where everyone was already freaking out because she didn't tell anyone where she was. As Jungkook supported her to get in, Jimin saw her which left him fuming. He dragged her to her room, made her sit on her bed when she was already sobbing and started, "What the hell is wrong with you? Why the fuck would you get home drunk? Get in your senses and answer my questions." "Because I felt bad. I felt bad about making you go through all these and for all those rumours spreading around. It's all because me and I know. And I feel really bad about it because I can't see you go through all this and end your peace.", y/n replied as she continued crying. 

   Jimin held her in arms and tried to calm her when she continued, "And do you have any idea why I can't see you go through all this? No, right? Because I really like you, ...." she said this and passed out. Jimin was too shocked to react so he tried to get calm and then made her sleep comfortably in the bed. While on the other hand, Jhope overheard all this from a distance.


This a short chapter, but I'm sure you got something to end up with. :))

Thankyou for your support and keep reading. 

**Spoiler: Next chapter has something more awaited! Wait for tomorrow thou.

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