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S. Korea.

   Next few days just went by normally as y/n decided not to visit the members' block for a while as she knew that her mom would keep an eye on every movement of her. She wouldn't go there but Jhope would often come to see her. They both didn't tell anyone about their relationship but yet would make a way to meet each other.

   So even that day, Jhope called y/n in between his rehearsals and told her to get ready in a while as he wanted to take her out. She got cleansed after coming back from work and then got ready. She waited for him for a while and then finally there he was, that smile on his face while he looked in her eyes made her blush and then as he approached she quickly got cupped in his arms. Then they got to the car and drove off. First, they went to a restaurant in the core where no one would recognize them. As they had dinner, y/n thought that they'd go back but Jhope had plans. 

   He had completely planned to make all the time they spent together worthy. So from there, they made their way to the southern part of the province. It was a long way to go and had already struck midnight, so Hobi asked y/n to get some sleep. After a while, they got there. It was Jeju Island. The beach of Jeju Island. Jhope then made y/n get up and asked her to get down to the shore. He parked the car and joined along. It was cold and windy, so they made a fireplace there and sat looking at the sea. It was all y/n would ever wish for. She was so overwhelmed about how her man had made every effort to spend time with her even after being tired after the day's schedule. 

   Soon as the fire went off due to the wind, y/n asked Hobi to get up and sleep in the tent they brought. She got up and was about to go set the tent, Jhope held her arm and made her halt. He then cupped her face in his palms and kissed her. It was soft and tender at the start but as he continued kissing her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her tightly. As she felt his touch, she released a low moan which was enough for him to slide his tongue and invade her mouth with his tongue passionately. She was so into it that she welcomed his tongue gladly and unconsciously sucked on it. This move made him moan and then he got back. As they both tried to catch their breath, Jhope kept looking at y/n with burning passion in his eyes. But things were not going to stop after that, as Jhope again pulled her closer and kissed her and as their lips moved in sync, he bit her lower lip and made her moan. Then he made his way to her neck and sucked her collarbone which obviously left a hickey. That made y/n shiver and get a grip on Jhope's arms. As he felt that touch he got back and felt guilty. Y/n could see that in his eyes, so she left a peck on his cheek and assured him that he did nothing wrong. Then they made their way to the open place around, set the tent and then they cuddled to sleep.

The next morning, y/n woke up by the golden rays coming from the tent sheets. She slowly opened her eyes to see Hobi sleeping calmly. She was still enveloped by him in his arms. So very silently, she tried to get her cell phone and see the time. As she saw the time, she quickly started to wake up Jhope so they could head home as soon as possible. He got up quickly but before heading to the car, he stole a kiss from y/n which made her blush. But she quickly collected her thoughts and wrapped the tent. And then, they made their way back. 

   As they drove off to the members' block, everyone was so worried there as Jhope was out for a complete night without anybody knowing about it. So as Hobi parked the car and went inside along with y/n, the first one to question was Namjoon. He went to Jhope and bombarded questions on him where on the other hand Suga questioned y/n, "How did you come along with him? Were you both together?" But before she would reply to anything Jhope interrupted, "Well, we both actually have something to tell y'all." he then looked at y/n and went to stand beside her. And then continued, "Actually, we both are seeing each other. As in a relationship." and then he intertwined his hand with hers. 

   Everyone took a moment to process this news and then V called for a celebration while Jimin went to y/n to speak when they sorted out the things that happened on the night she came home drunk. As they all were full of joy and talking to Jhope, y/n glanced at Suga, who moreover seemed worried than happy. So she approached him and asked him why he was silent. As he glanced at everyone else and saw them happy he asked her to get along with him in his room for the talk. 

   As they went by, y/n directly asked Suga to express whatever was there in his mind so he said, "Y/n, I'm really happy for both of you but with scandal going along and with many people already being crazy to search you, I'm just scared that if this news get out in public like even a small detail, then I'll create a huge latter. And I really don't want your relationship affected by all that so I'm just worried but anyways you don't need to think about it, your hyungs are capable enough to manage. All you have to do is tell us everything and anything that ever happens. Don't worry, just be happy, I'll handle the rest." As Suga said this, y/n quickly hugged him and nurtured their sibling moment which came just once in a while. As they stayed that way for a while, suddenly y/n remembered about her mom and thought to tell Suga about everything that mom had told her. So she got back and said, "Suga, I wanted to tell you tha-"but she was cut off as Jin entered the room and dragged y/n out to join the celebration. 



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