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Tour Europe. Day 7.

   It was their concert day in Paris. They got ready at noon and then in the late evening the concert started. It was all going great, just as per the plan. It was fun and there were lights and chants and shouts and all the happiness. The stage there was huge with ladders and a performing spot. Jimin and Jhope had nailed all the choreography just like always and obviously the others did too. With all laughs and happiness and some teary eyes, the concert ended and then the 7 went backstage and got comfortable, and soon after that they left to meet Yoongi's sister for dinner.

    They all got to the address she texted. As she opened the door, Jimin exclaimed, "Y/N!!". Yoongi kept looking at him and so did others including y/n. But there was still someone who's eyes were settled on y/n. But he got to his senses when she asked them to get inside and settle, then she told everyone how she knew Jimin for a long time now.

    And then they had dinner and were chatting around when Suga got a call so he excused himself and went to receive it out in the open air. He was talking to one of his staff members when he got on the staircase. And suddenly he felt darkness in front of eyes but before he could take any support he felt extreme pain in his left leg. As he was about to check what actually happened, he sensed that he had fallen down the staircase and hit the ground so hard that he was unable to move. 

   Right after hearing the voice of Suga, everyone got out and saw what had happened. They all made him stand and got him inside. Namjoon called their manager and asked him to send a doctor by texting the address. After the doctor came along and examined, he concluded it to be a deep internal wound in his leg. So they got him to the hospital, where they came to know that he had extreme internal bleeding and needed complete bed rest. 

   When Suga heard about this, he directly denied it as he felt traumatic. Y/n could sense that her brother was thinking about his past experience and she could no longer handle looking at him. So she excused herself and went to sit on a bench outside. 

   She was sobbing so hard, that Jhope could no longer see her that way so he went to her and tried speaking comforting words but she was in a state to listen to none. He was the one who had his heart flutter to the way she smiled before and now there he was seeing her sob endlessly. But then Jimin came along and took her in his embrace and tried to calm her. She became quiet after a while and then fell asleep in his arms. Sitting there made Hobi a bit uncomfortable so he was about to leave, when other members came along. Then Jimin told them to go back to the hotel and get some rest. Jin didn't listen to Jimin and stayed back while the others went off.

   As they all got to their hotel, Jhope went directly to his room and started writing in his diary about what he had felt after seeing y/n with Jimin. In the back of mind he knew that it was wrong to feel that , it was toxic for his friendship with Jimin but he also couldn't help because y/n had made his heart beat, like no one ever had done. He was happy about certain things but in the next moment he also felt very bad for Suga. He had a lot of mixed feelings so he decided to keep it all aside and get some sleep.  


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