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Paris. Day 20.

The day started on a very bad note. Y/n and the members got up to the news that, "There is a girl with whom the band has got in touch with and they have been meeting her for a long time now. Some resources also say that she has been manipulating the members and stalking them."

   This was a quite unpleasant thing for the members but more for them to worry so, as soon as V heard about this he went to Namjoon and they had a call with the company for the security of y/n as letting her be out by herself would be a mess. After that all the 6 of them drove to her place from a different car and entered through the back door. The situation there was worse than they had imagined to be. She was not in a situation to talk to anyone so she let them in and directly got ready to go to the office.

    But Suga asked her to wait and had a talk with her boss and told him that she'd work for everything from home for the next few days. This was approved by her boss and she was assigned the work. This relaxed everyone but y/n was still unreactive to everything happening. She got to her work but her mind was still wandering. Her phone kept beeping continuously, so she just kept it aside and tried hard to focus. That day passed blankly likewise.

   The next day had more to it. Even though no one really knew who that girl in the news was. Many found out y/n's address and as the members stayed there for the night before the first thing in the morning was, they got a parcel. Jimin had been up early so he went and got it. It just had "the stalker girl" written on it so Jimin opened it furiously and found out that it had a death threat. He rushed to y/n's room and saw y/n working. 

   He asked her to keep it aside but she didn't. So he very furiously threw her laptop and turned her towards him. She was shocked but then she asked him about what had happened to him. When in return, he showed her the package and asked, "Y/n, what the hell do you think this is? It's a fucking death threat which says that you were warned before this. And I ain't idiot to not know that you are being bullied on the internet and bragged about. Why didn't you tell us about all this?". On hearing all this y/n still sat there numb and silent. Before Jimin could react any further, the high pitch voice of Jimin had woken up Jhope. So he came along and asked what the actual matter was, Jimin told him everything.

    As Jhope heard about this, he asked Jimin to go and discuss this with the hyungs and that he'll talk to y/n. As Jimin went to his hyungs, Jhope sat beside y/n and calmly asked her what had actually happened. That tenderness in his voice made y/n soft and tears rolled down her cheeks. She couldn't bear that anymore so she hugged Hobi and kept weeping. Jhope tried everything to calm her but nothing really worked. So he cupped her till she calmed down. And then, they both went to have a talk with the hyungs when everyone decided to take y/n to Korea and leave this place for a while.

That very night, they all took a flight to Korea and went there.


I had to do a double update today. 

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