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The next morning the group of friends woke up at the sound of a very loud alarm clock, which was set up by Gary so no one would sleep in and cause them to be late for the tournament's opening ceremony. Each person grumpily woke up and the quicker ones were able to get to the bathroom first, causing some of them to hold it in for a while and becoming distressed before finally able to get their turn. Ash however, since he had his own master bathroom attached to his room, did not go through this problem. When he joked about the others' situation though, a few of them chased him around their suite, yelling promises of severe beat downs once they caught him.

"Ha ha ha ha! You will never catch me, slowpokes!" laughed Ash as he was using his aura to help him speed away from May, Max, Iris and Serena, who were the ones who had to hold it in the longest.

"You're dead Ash Ketchum!" screamed May and Serena, leading the other two.

"Shouldn't we stop this? I fear it may turn to a sour flavor soon." A look of concern was on Cilan's face.

"No way! This is great! I want to see Ashy-boy's face once they catch him! Oh man, I wish I could've recorded this!" laughed Gary.

Brock, Misty, Dawn and Richie sighed as they watched the five run around the large suite. They were impressed a few times at some of the moves that Ash pulled off in order to squeeze past his chasers. The four were beginning to get tired when Pikachu got an idea. He smiled evilly and when he saw the group get close to Ash, he tripped up his trainer at the last second, causing him to stumble a bit, but it was enough for May to close the distance and tackle him since she was closest to him.


"Aaah! Oouf!" Ash slammed into the ground with May on top of him. He attempted to wiggle out of her grip, twisting this way and that but May held on tight. He ended up facing her, his back against the floor, May sitting on top of his stomach, holding his arms down with her hands.

"Nowhere to run now Aura Guardian!" sneered May. Ash gulped and laughed weakly. Before anything else happened, Serena tripped over Pikachu's trap that he didn't move out of the way yet, falling on top of May, who gave a shout as she was pushed on top of Ash. What occurred next caused everyone to stare open mouthed.

Serena was on top of May and May had been pushed down completely on top of Ash, her head above his, her eyes closed, with her chest pressing against his face. Serena hurriedly got up off of May, apologizing as to what she caused to happen.

"I'm so sorry May!" cried Serena, in shock over what she caused to happen. May opened her eyes and noticed her embarrassing position as she looked down. She saw that most of Ash's face was covered but saw his brown eyes were wide with surprise and his forehead was blood red.

"EEEK!" May yelped loudly and quickly got off of Ash. He stayed on the floor, still as a statue, his eyes wide and his face red. Slowly, he moved into a sitting position staring straight ahead of him. Nobody made a sound for a few seconds until…

"HA HA HA HA! OH MY ARCEUS! HA HA HA HA! YOU SHOULD SEE YOUR FACE! OH ASHY-BOY! HA HA HA HA! THAT WAS YOUR FIRST MOTOR BOAT WASN'T IT?! HA HA HA HA!" Gary burst out laughing, falling onto the ground while holding his stomach, tears falling from his eyes. Ash shot his childhood rival an angry look but slowly turned his head to face May. Her face was red too, her arms crossed over her chest. Everyone else was frozen in shock.

Aura Guardian:The Blue SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now