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Ash left the building; his faithful companion Pikachu following behind him. He walked without any particular destination in mind, his hands still in his jeans pockets, looking at the ground as he walked. He couldn't get the picture of Gardevoir just lying there on the cold, hard ground, completely beaten to within an inch of her life. That image would be added to the already long list of things that would haunt him for the rest of his life, but he knew that this particular memory, along with a few others, will eat away at his soul if he let it.


Ash stopped walking and glanced at the yellow mouse.

"Yes Pikachu?"

"Pikapi, chu pika pi pi pika chu chu pikachu pi pi pika kachu."

"Thanks buddy. I know it's not my fault. I just can't help feel terrible though. I mean, I did promise her that I would keep her safe, since the first day we meet." Ash looked up at the now dark sky, seeing a few stars as he thought about the day they found her in the middle of the forest, abandoned.

"Pi pi pi chu kachu pika pik kachu pik pikachu!"

"You're right; I can't control what happens all the time. I can only do my best in whatever situation I'm in and hope it's good enough."

"Pika pi pi pika pik kachu pikachu pika pi."

"Nobody's perfect and that's the only thing anyone can ask of someone you say? Hmmm….Pikachu you're becoming wiser than your years. Have you been hanging out with Mewtwo and Alakazam again?"

Ash yelped a little as a small shock was sent at him.

"Okay, okay, that was all you," chuckled Ash. Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder and nuzzled his cheek.

"Thanks bud for always standing by my side. Except for when you stand by Misty's side, you little traitor," joked Ash. Pikachu frowned at the insult and shocked Ash again. They both ended up laughing.

"Pikapi, pi pi pika kachu pika pi pi pikachupi pi pika pi."

"That's right I forgot! We'll go get the girls their hair clips. And we'll get one more for Gardevoir as well. What do you think buddy?"

"Pika!" Pikachu cheered while nodding his head.

"Alright then let's go get those gifts. Hopefully the arcade is still open." Ash sprinted towards the arcade, Pikachu holding onto him so he won't fly off.

Back at the pokémon center, in an empty room, six girls stepped inside it and sat around the circle table. The pink haired nurse spoke up once everyone sat down.

"Thanks for agreeing to come here with me girls. I wanted to talk to you about Ash, about what Iris talked about back at the arcade before things went out of control. If you allow me too, I want to help you and give you advice."

"That's very kind of you Joy, thank you," smiled May.

"Yes, your help would be appreciated," added Serena.

"Thanks Joy. But I have to ask, how do you plan to help us?" asked Misty and Dawn tilted her head.

"Well, I'll tell you a secret, but first can I ask you some questions? If you let me, no matter what I ask, you must answer truthfully. I believe having this talk with all of you here will keep everyone from lying or leaving things out."

Aura Guardian:The Blue SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now