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Ash, Pikachu and Mewtwo appeared in the Hall of Origin. Ash and Pikachu were amazed at where they now stood. The beautiful room seemed to capture their attention so much that they didn't notice Mewtwo move forward or that they weren't alone.

"I've brought him just like you requested. Now, what other information is there to that vision?"

Ash's attention snapped back to Mewtwo, then to the Pokémon who were standing in front of him. His jaw dropped and his eyes grew wide.

"No way!"


Ash then dashed forward with Pikachu hanging on to him. He reached the Dragon trio with a big grin on his face.

"It's so good to see you guys again!"

"It's good to see you too Ash," said Dialga

"Hey, you can talk!"

"We've always been able to talk. It's just sometimes we simply choose not to," replied Palkia.

"True, as well as other reasons," added Giratina.

"What, no greetings for me?" a deep, booming, yet oddly calming, voice came from behind the trio.

"Wait, is that…" Ash peered behind Giratina. "It is! Arceus!" and with that, Ash again dashed forward. He reached Arceus, who was on top of his throne. "It's been so long. How have you been?"

"It has been a while. It's good to see you in good spirits." Arceus gave the young boy a proud look, one he rarely gave. The Dragon trio became a little envious but made no sound.


"Alright, I brought the boy. Now what is the rest of the vision? What else do you need to tell me?"

Mewtwo was getting inpatient. Even though he had a little respect for Ash and Arceus, he didn't like being ignored and made to wait.

"Vision? What vision?" a clueless Ash asked the group at large.

"Pi ka?" Pikachu looked lost as well.

"I shall tell you. I will tell both of you. But first let me have Ash catch up to what you already know." Arceus said, a hint of annoyance in it that only Ash missed. Mewtwo growled lowly, and crossed his arms, and grew silent. "Better. Now Ash, I have something important to tell you…"

And with that Arceus told Ash everything he told Mewtwo; the darkness coming, how the legendaries weren't even safe, how Arceus couldn't get involved, and how he and Mewtwo were meant to fight together against the darkness. After he had been caught up, Ash had some things to say after thinking for a few minutes.

"Damn….that's really horrible. So even legendaries can be corrupted….this is awful….I want to help…I truly do….but why me?"

Ash asked as he glanced at each legendary Pokémon there. He took a breath a continued as they stayed silent.

"I'm just a teenager who hasn't even won a tournament yet. My Pokémon are strong, but I don't think they can handle something like this, especially if even legendary Pokémon can't handle it. I'm not some great hero. I don't think I'm the right person for the job."

Aura Guardian:The Blue SpiritDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora