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Solid and his pokémon returned to his suite, Pikachu hiding in his backpack while Lucario and Gardevoir moved by his side. Brock, Gary and Richie glanced at the door when it opened and greeted Solid as he came back in, which he returned with his own greeting. Solid went to his room, dropped off his backpack gently, as to not hurt Pikachu inside it, and told Lucario and Gardevoir that they could relax and do as they pleased without bothering the rest. The two decided to just stay in the master bedroom for the time being. Solid left the room and closed the door, signaling Pikachu that it was okay to get out of the backpack, which he used to quickly jump out with his bottle of ketchup.

Solid joined the three sitting on the couches and decided to watch the movie with them. It was an action movie, about a pokémon trainer who was trying to rescue the love of his life from an evil sorcerer and his bewitched pokémon. As they watched the movie, the others joined them in watching it, while also making some small talk here and there. Cilan and Iris didn't show up for quite a while, which Gary noticed. He turned to the group at large.

"Who wants to make a bet as to what they're doing in there?"

"Shut up Gary!" yelled the girls together. The guys all laughed.

"Okay, jeez, learn to have some fun why don't you."

Before anything else happened, Brock got up from his seat, saying he's going to make some lunch since it was past noon already. The rest continued watching the movie and ten minutes later, the movie ended and Brock called out to them.

"Food's ready!"

The door to Cilan's and Iris's room opened at Brock's yell and everyone turned to look at them. The couple blushed madly at the attention and they just realized that they've been away from the group for a while.

"So, did ya kids have fun?" smirked Gary. Serena and May both elbowed him in the stomach. Gary grunted in pain at the double whammy and curled up into a fetal position on the couch.

"We did Oak, compared to what you're going through right now you little kid!" replied Iris, her face getting redder by the second. Cilan's face flushed crimson and then ushered her towards the dinner table. The group followed the couple, leaving Gary to lick his wounds.

"Wow, Brock this looks delicious!" complimented Solid as he looked at the prepared food. There was a big bowl of soup, a large plate of chicken wings, some salad and bread.

"Thanks. It's nothing special though." Brock said modestly.

"Trust me, I haven't had a good meal in a long time and I can tell this is going to be amazing."

"What do you mean that you haven't had a good meal for a long time Solid?" Solid glanced at the brunette with the bandanna. Her cheeks turned pink as he caught her eye and he smiled a bit.

"Well, it's because I've been away from home for a long time. I've been busy taking care of some things and been traveling for a few years now. I learned how to cook for myself a little but nothing grand. Just simple things you know? So this to me is like a feast."

"Well, you're going to enjoy Brock's cooking. He's the best!" praised Dawn.

"You mean ONE of the best! Cilan's very good too!" said Iris. Cilan blushed at her compliment.

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