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Ash, Pikachu, Riolu and Mewtwo headed out towards Professor Oak's laboratory. A quick walk later, they were in front of the lab's door. Ash rang the door bell. A moment later a teenager a few years older than Ash opened the door.

"Hey Ash, hey Pikachu. Good to see you again!" said Tracy, not noticing Riolu or Mewtwo.

"Pi pikachu!" greeted the yellow mouse while waving his hands.

"Same to you Tracy. How have you been?" replied Ash.

"Good, thanks. What brings you here?"

"I'm here to see Professor Oak and to pick up my pokémon."

"Okay sure, I'll go get him. Wait for us in his office."

"No problem Tracy."

The group stepped inside and walked down the hall with Ash leading the way. Soon they found themselves inside the Professor's main office. As they waited for Professor Oak and Tracy, they looked around the room and saw that it was pretty organized except for some papers spread out on the desk in front of them.

Must have been researching something or analyzing another professor's work, thought Ash.

He wasn't surprised since Professor Oak was one of the most respected and famous pokémon researchers in the whole world and as a result, was always busy. They heard the door open behind them and turned to see the professor and Tracy step into the room.

"Ah, it's good to see you Ash. How have you been my boy?" asked Professor Oak as he hugged Ash. He treated the boy as his own and cared for him deeply.

"I've been great professor. I see you're busy as always," commented Ash after they released each other, gesturing to the papers on the desk. "I have a couple friends to introduce to you. This is Riolu and this is Mewtwo," Ash said to Oak. Oak nodded at Riolu and when he turned to face Mewtwo, he at first couldn't speak. Tracy then noticed the other two pokémon. For a pokémon watcher and Oak's assistant, he should've noticed them before, but sometimes it seems he was just out of it.

"Did you say Mewtwo?" whispered Oak as he stared in wonder at the purple feline.

"Ah yes, I did. I should've mentioned that Mewtwo is Mew's brother. He is the only one of his kind and also a powerful psychic type legendary pokémon." Ash didn't mention the cloning part as he felt it wasn't necessary. Mewtwo caught this and nodded in appreciation.

"How did you capture him?" asked Tracy, also in awe.

Ash laughed, causing Oak and Tracy to snap their heads to face him. "I didn't capture him. I don't think anyone can capture him. I met up with Mewtwo a while ago and we decided to travel together for a little while." As the two glanced at Mewtwo, the feline nodded.

"Well, I must say, you always seem to run into legendaries and grand adventures. Just please be careful okay?" sighed Oak at last.

"Will do professor."

"Alright then. So, what brings you back home? I take it you already visited your mother?"

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