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Lucario found Ash with the other guys at the same time they both got the mental message from Gardevoir; Tracey's back and he has friends.

"We have to move, now!" Ash roared and dashed towards their table, Pikachu hanging on, the other guys following after him, a little behind.

They had gone all the way to the back of the arcade to reach the prize area after winning the required ticket amount when Ash got the message. Ash ran like there was no tomorrow, nearly tripping over all the fallen food and toys on the ground and bumping into many people but he didn't care. He crashed against their booth and looked inside, noticing that they're not there. The other guys soon caught up with him a couple seconds later, Lucario at his side. They heard a loud explosion suddenly from outside.

"No…please no…" pleaded Ash as he hurried outside, dreading what he may see with Lucario and the guys at his heel. They stepped out to a cloud of smoke that Lucario pushed away with his Psychic attack. What they saw made Ash's heart leap to his throat.

To the left of them stood Tracey, Kenny, Rudy and Drew and they had several pokémon out in front of them. All of them had evil, happy expressions on their faces. To the right of them were the six girls, all covering their mouths with their hands, eyes filled with tears. In the middle, between the two groups, was a petite white and green body on the ground.

Ash moved towards it, wobbling a bit as he walked in a dazed fashion. Pikachu jumped down and faced the hated group, growling and sparks flying from his cheeks, ready to defend if they sent any cheap attack. The guys moved to where the girls were, prepared to defend them if needed. After what seemed like ages, Ash finally reached the form on the ground and fell to his knees, unable to believe what he was seeing. Several other random people crowded around them unnoticed by the two groups as they too heard the explosion. Lucario was at first glaring at the aggressors before moving to where Ash was but froze when he heard his master's pleas.

"No…Gardevoir…no…. please…wake up…please…"

Hearing Ash's whimpers made some of the guys' growl in anger and the others kept their face stoic, while the girls let out silent tears. Lucario hurried forward and knelt beside Ash and Gardevoir. She was battered and beaten. Black and blue bruises were everywhere and there were some nasty cuts on her that were bleeding. He placed his paw gently on her.

"She is still alive Master. She is very hurt but her aura is still with us but barely. She needs medical attention now."

Lucario focused to channel some healing aura into her. A blue energy wave pulsed into Gardevoir and she began whizzing loudly.

A stream of yellow energy sped towards Ash, Lucario and Gardevoir. Before anyone could say anything, Pikachu jumped up and absorbed the electrical attack before landing back onto his feet, growling loudly and his fur stood on end. Ash and Lucario didn't even react to the attack, knowing that Pikachu would intercept it but Ash's group called out against the cheap attack together.

"Hey, stop you assholes!"

"They're not in a battle anymore!"

"What the fuck is wrong with you dipshits?!"

Many more were shouted at them, even from the unknown bystanders but the vile, cold hearted group didn't care at all.

Aura Guardian:The Blue SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now