chapter 9

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" smells great hyeong," jimin said joyously entering the kitchen.

"How can it not, "jin said with a smile.

"so can I taste it I know it will be super-duper delicious."

"thanks but no thanks you have to wait jimin"

jimin make a pout and walked away to the living room where tae and kookie were sitting watching tv with namjoon." when will he come" namjoon asked, "we are dying with hunger."

"hyeong it's only 7 pm how can you die from hunger it's still early" tae said and everyone laugh.

"he's about to reach" jimin replied with a chuckle. And everyone starts watching tv again. almost after 20 minutes doorbell rings. tae and kookie rushed to open the door.

"h.i" before mew can finish his sentence he was dragged to the living room by kookie because he wanted to taste the tasty food made by jin. "hi everyone sorry I was stuck in the traffic".

" no, you are early" jimin replied because he has to tell mew to come at 8 pm. 

"it's because I can't wait to know your friends and family" mew replied with a smile jimin smile back, jimin headed to ask mew about the gulf " where is the gulf"

" he was busy with the project you know how much he is excited about it" 

"ohh okay wish they all could also meet him "


"hey jimin did you tell them about the gulf"

" no, they didn't ask me about your love life"

"it's great," mew said with a smirk. Jimin just gives confusing look. During the conversation, one was watching them talking and laughing from the corner of his eyes. 

" let go food is ready and we will talk during dinner because they all are hungry as wolfs and I had to know many things about you," jin said calling all of them. Everyone headed to the food  As everyone was seated at the table mew take a left seat beside jimin which was origin a song spot jimin tried to stop him because everyone knows that yoongi doesn't like to share his things.

"it's mine" a cold voice come from behind as mew sat, and it was yoongi.

"oh am so sorry don'tknoww,"w said.

"oh and sorry I don't like to share things which belong to me"

"chill man it's just a seat and you are saying like I am taking your man"yoongi just sat at his seat everyone was looking at him but his expression was blank.

"here you can sit here mew beside jimin," tae said referring to the seat at the right side f jimin.

"ohh thanks I don't mind sitting anywhere because the place doesn't matter person does."

..../after a while/.....

"wow jin jimin was right you are a great cook these dishes are amazing," mew said as he took a bite from the black bean noodles in front of him.

"thanks" jin shyly replied.

See I told you nothing tastes better than jin hyeongs food," jimin said happily filling his mouth with noodles. "gulf does" mew whisper at Jimin's ear and jimin just choke the food in his mouth he was laughing so hard trying to swallow the food. 

"what's so funny tell us we also wanted to laugh," tae asked as he see jimin and mew laughing.

" nothing tae food is delicious" mew answered as Jimin's face was red because of laughing he was trying to forget what mew has said but he was so embarrassed.

on the other side, yoongi was just sitting and trying to swallow the food because he doesn't want anyone to ask him any question he didn't look up the whole time he was just looking at the plates trying to control himself and his emotions. he was doing great until...

"so you are coming tomorrow," mew asked as he was leaving.

"yeah, I promise" jimin replied sweetly showing his eye smile. mew put his hand on Jim's head ruffling his hair and said "why are you so cute mine.."

"don't call him that," yoongi said pulling jimin behind." only I can call him to mine anyone else is not allowed. Yoongi said giving mew a stare.

"why, and why is that he doesn't seem to have any problem" mew ask with a smirk.

'just you can't" yoongi darkens to a different from that s stare.

"okay as you say after all you are like Jimin's brother" 

"and only I can call him Chim him," tae said participating in jimin's nickname contest and everyone start laughing except jimin and yoongi.

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