the world is cold, but you're warm | kenny omega

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"good morning, [y/n]. you sleep well?" he turned around to face you with a gentle smile.

yeah he definitely doesn't know. he would bring it up if he did.

faking a smile was easy enough. "yeah ken. you know i always sleep well when i'm with you." you stood on your tippy toes to kiss his lips.

for a while you felt okay. the former overwhelming thoughts of oh no, oh god, something's wrong. something's gonna go wrong. fuck. fuck. fuck. settled to just a small unpleasant buzz in the back of your head - easy enough to ignore - while you were still in the house with your boyfriend and to say that you were glad would be an understatement. you hoped it would stay like that for the rest of the day.

the car ride to your university was something. definitely not as bad as how you felt earlier in the morning but that unpleasant buzz started to get louder, started to echo in the anxious caverns of your mind like static. mildly irritating, unsettling, you'd rather it not be there at all, but okay. you've dealt with worse, it's fine. you told yourself. it's all gonna be fine.

you had no idea if you really believed that or if you were lying, somehow trying to convince yourself this day wasn't going to be as bad as you already knew it was going to be.

eventually, you got to your campus.

the line at the coffee shop was long, but you managed to distract yourself with your thoughts. forcing yourself to think back on the essay you wrote for your literature class, and everytime your mind lingered to something unpleasant, you mentally scolded yourself. it wasn't long until you reached the front of the line.

coffee order in hand - thank god they had your usual - walking into the lecture hall for your first class, your literature class, you realized you left your essay at your shared house with kenny. the one you worked so hard on and didn't get any sleep for.

you practically begged your professor to give you until the afternoon, telling him that you've actually completed the assignment, but just forgot to put it inside your bag, but he wouldn't budge. you told him that you didn't care if he deduced points, so long as he graded it because you spent so much time, effort, and research on it to no avail. muttering curses under your breath - you didn't know if they were directed at your professor, you, or just this stinking day in general, if you were being honest - you grabbed your phone, shooting kenny a quick text.

"[to: kenneth ♡: are you home right now?]"

you crossed your fingers, hell even crossed your toes, hoping he'd give you the answer you wanted. the one that'd make you breathe out a sigh of relief and reward him with a big, fat hug, the type of hugs that snatches the breath from your lungs in the best way possible, the typr of hugs you knew he was in love with and thank him for the hundredth time, telling him he was an angel for the millionth time.

"[from: kenny ♡: no baby, i'm at the health facility three towns over :( sorry. is there anything you need?]"

the disappointment flooded you, of course, but you couldn't tell kenny that. you didn't want him to leave his appointment with his athletic trainer just to go fetch the thing you forgot. he's waited for so long to finally catch that appointment because his athletic trainer, a young man named iwaizumi hajime was known to be the best around. every athlete wanted his as their trainer because of his superb skills, way beyond his years.

"[to: kenny ♡: no, was just wondering! have a nice day!]"

you ran your hand through your face in frustration and let out a groan, one that much to your luck, was heard by your professor. he sent you a glare before writing something down on the whiteboard again. you fought the urge to flip him off when he caught your eye, and then the urge to hurl something at his direction when his marker kept on making an annoying squeaky noise against the whiteboard. "so next, we are going to be tackling the life and works of william shakespeare."

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