(Chapter 8) New Addition.

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Awaking the next morning, opening your eyes to see your mistress arms wrapped around you tight, her head lay next to you and her legs intertwining with yours. 

She was so soft and comfy; you could not resist the urge to cuddle deeper into her hold, her gentle breaths surrounding you making you feel safe for the first time. 

Her gloveless fingers around your shoulders, her red nails were touching your skin, looking to the clock seeing it was seven in the morning. 

You lay there for a few minutes, just enjoying your sweet mistress embrace; it didn't take long for your awakening to wake your mistress, 

"Good morning, my darling" she sat up, letting go of you as she looked over to her bedside table, turning on the lamp brightening the room. 

"Morning, M'Lady", you reply, snuggling up to her, remembering the night before, the rushing to your core, just taking in your beloved mistresses sent. 

She looked down to you, her golden eyes on you scanning you before a warm smile took over her lips, her arms wrapping around you pulling you onto her lap, kissing your head. 

"Sleep well, dear?" she mumbled into your skin, 

"I did thank you, did you?" holding her hand as it wrested on your lap, just melting in her possessive grips. 

Her fingertips flowed down your neck until it crossed over your mark, feeling a shiver down your spine, her soft growl that followed, the vibrations that rippled through her chest, just allowing anything in your body un tense. 

"I think I can get used to this", she chuckled, pulling you closer into her; she kissed your mark before letting you go again, 

she got out of bed, walking over to her wardrobe, getting her clothes out for the day, then pulling out a uniform for you. 

"I made sure to buy spares", she teased, laying it out on the bed for you, getting out of bed yourself, removing your nightgown standing there in your undergarments; your mistress stood there taking you all in. 

Meeting her gaze smirking when you knowest her, you change into your uniform, feeling genuine pride with the Dimitrescu crest on your collar. 


You were dusting the library, one of your favourite chorus; the Dimitrescu library was one of the most beautiful things you had ever seen besides the Lady herself, reading the titles of all the books, making a note of the ones that took your fancy. 

The swarm of flys that approached you, taking you by surprise almost knocking you off your feet, Bela formed, 

"Miss Bela", you greet her, a small smile on your face, 

"Y/N" she sounded a little less melancholic than the day before, her wild blond hair all over the place and fresh blood down her chin and cheeks. 

'Must have been hunting', you thought, awaiting her to speak, standing there with a duster in your hand, 

"Come with me; you must introduce yourself properly to my sisters; all of us want to hear more about you" she sounded like an excited child, pulling at your leaves in the direction of the cellar. 

"Bela dear, I'm not allowed down there" you try to resist agents the girl's grip, but she was strong, trying to reason with the girl, 

"Oh come on", she pleaded, 

"Could we meet in the library instead, you ask, trying to keep yourself as far away from the cellar not only because you didn't want to disobey your mistress, but also you feared what could be down there. 

"Ugh... fine", she huffed, finally excepting defeat, breathing a sigh of relief, 

"Thank you" you didn't like to disappoint her, 

"Wait for me in the library. I will get them" she disappeared in her swarm; you turn back to the library, awaiting the meeting of your beloveds Daughters. 


"Ok, sisters, here she is" Bela appeared with her two sisters, both of which you had seen before; all three of them resembled their mother in different ways, but all had the big golden eyes. 

"So this is Mother new plaything", Cassandra dragged, looking irritated, her thick long dark hair behind her, covering some of her faces. 

"Is this breakfast?" Daniela asked, looking to her elder sibling, eyes filled with hope and desire for food. 

"No, dani, this is Mother's new head maiden", she presented proudly, buzzing with excitement, feeling embarrassed to have so many eyes on you at once. 

Wanting to shrink into the floor, Cassandra looked at you with a death glare, 

"Well Mother won't mind if we have a little tased," she grinds a coy smirk appearing on her lips, 

"Oh yes, she will" Bela looked at you with apologetic eyes, but also a pull to her instincts, wanting to rip you to shreds. 

Fear filled you, wanting to run away; your blood was for your mistress and no one else! 

It was too late. However, Cassandra and Daniela both had pulled out their sythes, slowly cornering you. 

Your breathing was no longer in your control; your mind was rising in anticipation, wondering what was going to happen. 

Finally, Daniela pounced on you, slicing your wrist open, yelping from the pain falling to your knees as your blood began to pour out of you. 

Cassandra tasted your blood, her eyes widened, whipping the exes of her chin, 

"yes, I can see why mother favours you so" if you were not in so much pain, you could have seen it as a compliment, feeling tears start to fall, silent but just as painful. 

You looked up, trying not to make a noise, hating to draw attention to physical pain in any way, even if it was a deep gash through your non-dominant wrist. 

Both Cassandra and Daniela enjoyed your blood, seeing Bela trying to resist her animalistic rates, soon to give in, joining her sisters. 

The sound of your mistresses footsteps approached the library; all three girls got up terrified, knowing their mother would be angry. 

The door opened, and your mistress ducked under, entering their room looking as regal as always, 

"Girls, what is going on here" she was stern, seeing you on the floor with your wrist bleeding a lot, 

"Mother we-" 

"I don't want to hear it; we will discuss this later", she barked, gathering you into her arms, lifting you up, cradling you into her, feeling safe even if still bleeding out. 

Walking out of the library into your mistresses bathroom, she sat you on the counter, scanning your wound, kissing the gash and licking up some of the blood. 

"Oh my darling, I'm sorry, they are still learning" she smiled, gathering something from her cobards, 

"It's ok", you reply with a weak tone, leading into your mistress, finding comfort in her sent, 

"Ok dear, this will sting", a bottle of rubbing alcohol in one hand and a roll of bandages in the other; she opened the bottle, pouring it on your wound, wincing to the pain, trying not to show any discomfort. 

"Yes, I know Draga mea, it's over now", she cooed, wrapping a bandage around you, holding you close to her, curling next to her, feeling nothing but love for her. 

You believed a lot of pain and accident dents were in your future, so you guessed the rubbing alcohol would be your best friend. 

(Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! <3) 

Painted Like Blood. (Lady Dimitrescu x fem reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя