(Chapter 28) Parents .Part 2.

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(Hey everyone, this chapter will discuss personal feelings, mental health stuff I believe people can relate to <3 I don't have a very good relationship with my father, and I believe I have portrayed that, but please don't worry if you do. Just change the words in your head! I can only write using emotions, so I how you can understand! I hope you enjoy this chapter.) 

Her possessive arms wrapped around you, swaying in the wind in ways like you would to a melody. 

"The caste looked beautiful at night" just admiring the way the castle outlined in the moonlight, your mistress chuckled, 

"Yes indeed, dear" she set you down along your bare feet to feel the cold concrete beneath you; it was a shock to your skin but not for long. 

"Y/N darling, why did you come to the castle in the first place," your beloved asked, taking your hand, bleeding you to the balcony edge, setting herself up on the frame. 

"There are multiple reasons why I left, but the main thing that kept me going was-" Taking a sharp breath, remembering the day you left, the phone call that saved your life. 

"My home life was never happy, always pushed to be someone or something I'm not, the content reminder that I was useless and a complete failure in life." recalling the past was heartbreaking, but you're beloved deserved to know your truth. 

Instead of trying to butt in and undermine your words like everyone else, your mistress just listened, her kind eyes looking at you with no judgement, only love and interest within her. 

"I love for art started from a very young age, within the walls of education, there was no room for someone like me, a person who wanted to sit and paint trees, not solve mathematical equations", whipping your eyes of any forming tears. 

"No one cared that I was unhappy with life or was desperately looking for a way of expression, so in turn, the anger I had for the world turned inwards, quickly forming a deep self hatred that has lasted for as long as I can remember" to this the tears no longer held back, they were silent but visible, your beloved pulled you into her, placing you within the safety of her arms. 

"As I grew, my parent's disapproval towards me became obvious as their lack of interest in me was so forced like it intended to hurt me, especially my father, even though he believes women are only useful to carry children but otherwise useless unless to serve a man" everything was coming out now, built up heartache you had carried your whole life. 

"He wanted me to get a grip and get married, to stop with the nonsense of becoming a professional artist as in his mind the workforce were for the strong business men not for the weak fooled mind of a little girl" the pain his words caused you, remembering how his language used to hurt worse than any physical pain you had inflicted. 

"I was rebellious, however not backing down from what I wanted and what I felt in my heart, from my passion for the arts and my desire for a relationship with a woman, no men I could even imagine having any feelings for, let alone marrying one" your mistress chuckled at this, knowing she related to that in more ways than one.

"And when I got your phone call all those years ago, it was my calling to start a new life, one without misery and so much resentment for my mear existence, meeting you Alcina was my reason for continuing to live in this world, and I will always be grateful to you for that" your beloved cupped your cheeks, kissing your lips slowly allowing you to enjoy every second of it. 

"That is quite a story, my doveling; I must compliment your bravery towards this whole thing; opening up to me must have been difficult after all these years but do know you are safe and loved dearly, nothing will happen to you, you'll never have to return to the personal hell back home" her words melted your soal, soroundi9ng you with the feeling of happiness like you never thought possible. 

"No matter how much I want to hear more, it is late, in fact, it is now the early hours of the morning, and you need rest, sweetheart" you're beloved scooped you up in her arms, holding you close to her, entering back to the bedroom, keeping you close to her heart, allowing you to slowly fall asleep to the rhythm of her heartbeat. 


Within the dream realm, you had no control over what went on there; most of the time, you would be with Alcina in a meadow or on a picnic wot the girls, sometimes you and Miranda would have a conversation, but this night was different. 

"Oh Y/N, what has happened to you" the voice of your father echoed through the darkness, almost more terrifying that you could see nothing except the black scream in front of your eyes. 

"What is going on" you scream, in the hope of your mistress to hear your cries and save you, 

"No one can hear you, child", he grumbled, gritting your teeth in pure fury that not even in sleep you could escape him. 

"What do you want from me" feeling your inner beast begin to show, rage radiating from you like toxic fumes. 

"For you to stop these childish games and to come home to me and your mother" his words only frightened you, 

"I will never come back to you EVER IM FUCKING HAPPY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE, AND YOU WHAT TO TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME LIKE ITS NOTHING", losing control of yourself as you had finally hit the wall of mental capacity. 

"It's not real Y/N. It's just a fantasy you have run to in the hope to escape the truth of your uselessness" It had been so long since you had been insulted so, your mistress shad only treated you with respect and love, but this man that called himself your father to only cause you pain. 

"It is real; I know it is", you repeat, scream crying, pulling yourself into a frenzy of panic and distress.  

Over the sound of your cries, the gentle cooing of the one you loved most echoed overall, slowly lifting you through the darkness slowly into a light. 

Opening your eyes, red and puffy, stained from crying, 

"There we are, sweet girl" it was a genuine relief to feel her, to see her, to smell her; your mistress was there. You knew it for certain. 

"Alcina, is that you" you whimper, feeling like a weak puppy in need of its mother, curling up into her warmth, clutching to the material of her nightdress. 

"Yes, draga mea, it's me", she reassured you, allowing you to take one of her fingers, clutching it with a whole fist to feel her skin. 

"I- I heard him, my father", you cry, 

"He was telling me how useless I am and that I must go home to him" your mistress held you tight, 

"Well, if he wants that, he will have to go through me first, little one, and I assure you angry men and I don't go well because they never win" you still felt spooked and scared, knowing that you were not insane was a nice start though. 

"I don't want to go back", feeling tears roll down your cheeks once more, 

"I know, sweet one, I would let it happen; I will protect you, I promise" she lifted her chin to face her, to look into her knowing eyes. 

"Ok-" you try to put on a smile, but in truth, you were exhausted, but the idea of sleeping seemed more terrifying than wanting. 

"Mouse, I usually wake at this time anyway, you try and rest some more i will protect you as you sleep and wont let you go or move, i have got you" she kissed your forehead, soothing the stress lines on your forehead. 

You felt safe once more, positioning yourself close to your mistress. 

(Thank you for reading <3) 

Painted Like Blood. (Lady Dimitrescu x fem reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora