(Chapter 21) Îngrijirea.

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(As with all my writing, I add bits of me into everything, and I have experienced past trauma, and with my recovery, I have found Lady D to be a massive comfort for me, so with is a warning in some way of saying that I will talk about sensitive topics <3 I hope you enjoy this chapter. ) 

You tried your best to ignore the abdominal pain, putting on a smile when on the inside was in excruciating pain. 

Even though your mask could fool anyone, but nothing passed your mistress; she could see through your act like looking through a magnifying glass. 

When she could scent your discomfort or pain, she would move closer to you, pull you into her arms, forming a protective barrier over you. 

You believed it was part of her animalistic traits to protect the weak and vulnerable, the way if anyone came close to you, she would make it very clear in her body language that if they approached farther, it would mean death. 


"My darling, how are you feeling" she cooed agents your mark, sending shivers through your spine, 

"I'm ok", you answer, leaning into your mistress, just inhaling her perfume, her delicious golden eyes on you. 

She moved her hand along your back until it gently glided over your wound, trying to keep a straight face, but it proved useless, finally giving in your body hitching over. 

"As I thought", removing her hand in an instant, placing her fingertips underneath your chin, tilting your head upwards to face her. 

"it's not that ba-" another shockwave of pain caused through your body; this time, you were not prepared, letting out a pained yelp. 

"Sweetheart, I know you are in pain. No need to hide it" from years of hiding your emotions, whether it was physical or emotional pain, you made it your number one priority not to show any sign of vulnerability. 

Turing your gazes away from her, it was hard opening up about your past as there was a lot of unsolved trauma. 

"I know its hard draga mea," she smiled, kissing your forehead, feeling your body begin to shake, 

"I don't want to look weak", your voice cracked; your mistress enclosed her arms around you, helping you to feel safe and know where you were. 

"you not weak, dove, your one of the strongest people I know" her chest began to rumble, sending out calming vibrations, trying to hold back tears, your throat clicking from the build up. 

"Oh my little mouse there, there I'm here" from the way she said it, not angered by your emotions but excepting and loving, finally feeling able to realize all the attention from your body. 


Laying your head on your mistresses shoulder, her hands holding your back, keeping you safe in her grip. 

She made it into the kitchen, placing you o the dining room chair, smoothing your frown lines, 

"I know you don't feel like eating, sweetheart, but you must", opening the pantry, taking out some ingredients. 

"How does soup sound mouse" she mummed, opening some tinned tomatoes and coriander, getting a bowl from the cardboard. 

Finally, she lit the stove, heating up her concoction; it smelled divine, 

"I didn't know you could cook", lowering yourself from the chair,  walking over to your mistress, 

"There are many things you don't know about me", she winked, feeling your face heat up. 

"Looking a little flustered dear", she smirked, 

"The soup... hot soup heats my face", spurting random gibberish, 

"Mhm", booping your nose before getting a wooden spoon, string the red liquid, believing it was the only red substance that did not contain blood. 

Your craving for your mistress grew, the lust that pulled through you was almost suffocating, but you were on bed rest until your mistress said otherwise, and no one would second guess your beloved. 

"I see you", she chuckled in an almost playful way; you feel a genuine smile grow on your face ducking behind her, trying not to be caught. 


"Soup is ready, dearest" she placed a bowl in front of you, looking up to her as she sat down; the soup looked delicious, your stomach begging to enjoy it, but something was pulling you away. 

"Here", she smiled, lifting your spoon up to your lips; she blew gently before placing it into your mouth. 

"Thank you", you mumble, enjoying the warm soup. 

Taking in one spoonful at a time, your mistress was patient and so sweet, you managed to finish the bowl; surprised would be an understatement; you felt full for the first time in years, and it felt nice. 

"Well done, sweetness", sounding just as surprised as you were, lifting you into her arms, carrying you up to your now shared bed chambers. 

"How are you feeling, really" her eyes looking into yours, 

"I feel a lot better" from feeling like crap to happy was a massive improvement. 

"I'm glad, darling, now I need to do some paperwork. Would you like to accompany me and doodle for a little" she knew you so well getting your favour pencil before following your beloved into her study. 


Placed comfortably on her lap, very focused on your doodle of a flower until your mistress let out a gasp. 

"Alcina is everything alright" sent with a shock of panic, turning in her lap looking up at your mistress's face. 

"Darling Mother Miranda is sending over her vesal to the castle as we speak; the conference you had had with Miranda days back flooded into the front of your mind, 

"What do you mean sending it over" you were confused and scared; what would you do with jars of baby parts. 

"She is sending Rosemary Winters... ALIVE to the castle" your mistress sounded angry and frustrated by the letter. 

"I'm going to be taking care of a newborn baby" she had a shock in her voice, throwing the letter to the desk with a thud, 

"We will get through it, Alcina, I promise you, it won't be permanent either", trying to soothe your mistresses nerves even though you were anxious too. 

"Well, I best look in the attic for some baby things; I hope I kept some of the girls baby clothes and other baby things", she huffed, 

"I will help", moving with her, leaving your doodle on the table most likely never to be seen again. 

"No heavy lifting, dear, leave that to me" your mistress was very strong, always lifting things you thought were unliftable. 

Kissing her cheek before making your way up the stairs to the attic, there stood two doors, one with the dimitrescu lock on, and the other was the storage. 

Looking at both of them, your mistresses face went bright red, knowing something lurked behind those doors, and you wanted to find out, not at that moment; however you had a bay to prepare for. 

(Thank you for reading <3) 

Painted Like Blood. (Lady Dimitrescu x fem reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt