(Chapter 32) Two Lovers.

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(I woke up this morning to 80 notificationssssss you guys are amazinggggggggg! I hope you enjoy this chapter! <3) 

It was only fair to allow Mother Miranda to stay the night, not only for her benefit but for yours too, if there was anyone who could answer your questions about your new medical statute. 

As all three of you sat in the living room, your eyes on your mistress, looking longingly into her eyes. 

It was a thought whenever you got injured that your sex drive was booted through the roof, as did your mistresses. 

Her eyes scanned your entire body, just taking you all in, enjoying the view, 

"I take it, Alcina, that you dealt with the manthing," Miranda sipped her tea, eyes on Alcina with almost a desperate look. 

"Don't worry, Y/N took... care of it", your mistress smiled; Mother Miranda looked at you, shocked, seeing a new side to you that she hadn't before. 

"Mother Miranda", Bela greeted, followed by Cassandra, but Daniela was probably in the library in the middle of a good book. 

"There are my granddaughters" Miranda stood from her seat, opening her arms to the girls who hesitated slightly before giving it and embracing their grandmother. 

With this interaction, it made you think, if there was a way to convince Miranda to stop the ceremony in the hope to save Rose but also to bring the whole family together, everything was so strained, except your mistress and Donna they were as close as ever. 

"In the happiness of the ridding of my father shall we have a family get together gust to see everyone" you suggested, your mistress turd to you looking surprised, you knew she would like the idea of being within one hundred feet of her brothers, but you knew a little family time would be suitable for her in the long run. 

"Oh Y/N, that's a brilliant idea" Miranda let go of the girls who seemed to be getting comfortable in her hold. 

Cassandra, mesmerised with the shining gold of her mask, 

"Oh yes, all of Daniela and us, of course, oh and Donna with the add on of Angie. Sounds lovely," your mistress chuckled nervously, hoping that all the others in the room would just forget about the two other family members. 

"Dearest, I believe you have forgotten your brothers from that list", Miranda smirked, knowing Alcinas genuine dislike of her brothers but also the knowledge that if anyone were to bring them to harm, she would kill without a second thought. Even though she would do that anyway, it was still a sweet gesture. 

"Fine, Moreau can accompany us", she huffed, crossing her legs and arms leaning back into the chair. 

"Mother, what about Uncle Heisenberg," Bela asked intently, clearly not gathering the memo that Heisenberg was the main subject. 

"I thought we were having a nice celebration without loud children who amuse themselves with hammers and men" you try and stifle a laugh a this, Cassandra too, but Miranda didn't look so pleased. 

All eyes were on your mistress now, and overall attention she adored, but the knowledge behind it now was clearly too much as she grumbled, swinging her wrist as a way to say ' fine the man can come'. 


After settling Mother Miranda into one of the guest bedrooms, both you and your mistress headed back to your room. 

Laying your head on her lap as you reached for the flower on her dress, 

"Are you tired, sweetheart" your beloved whispered, a smirk rising on her face; you blushed at her non-verbal indication. 

Painted Like Blood. (Lady Dimitrescu x fem reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora