(Chapter 41) Come back to me, Baby!

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(Sorry if the next few chapters are a little slow; I just have exams going on, and they are pretty stressful, lol, but I hope you enjoy this chapter!) 

Nothing felt right; it was all numb, your body and thoughts were all like liquid falling around you, the space in which you could see was like being inside a dark lava lamp, the bubbles scaling your vision. 

What was real? Who knew? You didn't, that was for sure, floating across this abis of colour and numbness, trying to establish what was in your imagination and what was in the real world. 

Closing your eyes to be met with a calming darkness, like an escape to the crazy world around you, it was only then that the slow thumping began. 

It was a small thud at first but then got louder and louder, sending vibrations through this world, shaking the very foundations around you; like shattering glass, the colour started to fall from around you. 

With the falling sensation sent no emotions, the same numb feeling surrounded your body like a blanket, protecting you from the outside world, outside this imagination. 

It felt like you were falling for a lifetime, just observing as the shattered colour emptied itself into the dark vortex underneath you; if there was a bottom to this pit, you were soon to find out, surely it had an end. But, it was it to continue forever, would itself you into a spiralling pain but not able to do anything about it. 

Memories were not present; you couldn't remember your own name; it was almost pleasant to be s innocent as a child, having no dark or light thought, not to think at all only the darkness of the void you were falling into to consume your mind with the deafening silence. 

It was the impact that brought you back to your senses; you felt your back land with a sharp thud into a familiar grip that tightened around your body, purring into the affection, like you had known this touch for a lifetime before. 

Gripping onto whatever was holding you from falling any further, the ringing in your ears and the sensations in your fingertips almost jerking your memory to work again, flooding you with memories with your Alcina, your wife, the reason you were alive today. 

Remorse and hopelessness just took over; your aching love for your mistress was burning your insides as if you had jumped into a scorching fire. 

"Alcina", you whimper, your body was trembling before you, waiting as your vision blurred from tears, the wish and hoped that your mistress would just appear from thin air and scoop you up, cuddling you and plastering your face and body with her kisses, leaving her crimson lipstick mark. 

Her voice echoed through your mind like a sad song, along with the pictures of her face in your mind, your body became more and more constricted, wondering if your time in the pathway to the afterlife was coming to an end and that your stay was ending, sobbing at the idea of not seeing your beloved Alcina. 

"DONT LEAVE ME Y/N I BEG OF YOU" the known cry of your most loved, your eyes opened in an instant looking upwards to see a light, not knowing if it were the stairway to the next life of the place you wanted to be more than anything, back with your beloved. 

"Y/N YOU PROMISED ME YOU WOULD NEVER LEAVE ME" the cry of your mistress pirest your numb heart, freeing the emotion to run through your veins once more, like waking you from a sleeping coma keeping you away from your senses, your mistress was on the other side and you needed to be there. 

To hold her, and comfort her, thrashing your hand's agents the black oblivion somehow freeing yourself from its tight grip, throwing yourself out towards the light, using whatever inner strength o reach the light, not allowing the darkness to beat you again. 

"Come back to me baby" she cried, 

"ALCINA" you scream, launching yourself into the ring of light, feeling a wave of oxygen enter your lungs, sting up as you had just had a nightmare, gasping for air as you regained consciousness, the sheer willpower you felt causing though your body was insane, grasping to the arms of your beloved which were around your body, holding you in her lap while she cried into your neck. 

"Im here Alcina" you pant out, kissing her knuckles as you tried to gather enough oxygen into your lungs, your mistress was lost for words as she truly believed that she had lost you, the first love of her life, the holder and protester of her heart. 

Before she spoke you placed a finger on her lips, whipping her eyes before kissing her, the fire sparks that set of in your mind was somehow stronger than when she first blessed her lips with yours, holding her cheeks with your hands, pulling her closer, she did the same, her long fingers curled around your ears and she pleased her forehead agents yours smiling through her tears. 

"I thought I lost you" she whispered, keeping your whole body within her perimeter, her thighs supporting you, curing up in her possessive hold, just inhaling her scent, running your fingers over the rose on her bodess. 

"I wouldn't leave you, ever" you punctuated your words with a kiss, making sure you got your message across so it would engrave itself into her mind. 

"I adore you darling" she whimpered, her fangs razing her bottom lip, 

"I adore you to my love" you whisper back, caressing her cheek, 

"Well... if you two are done being so gay could I give pool queue a check for her fall, it looked like she took some damage from the roof" Helisnberg piped up, stumbling with a flask in his hand looking like he had had a great time. 

You looked up to your mistress who looked at him, fury in her eyes as she lifted you both up, her full height towering over him. 

"Yes we all know your incredibly fucking tall Alcina" he grumbled, hiding behind his fedora, ThE wind picked up as from the whole you created in the ceiling Mother Miranda flew down, her wings fully expanded but her body back to its unmutated form. 

"Y/N are you alright" she rushed over to you, placing Rose into Donna's arms, you flinched at the pain of your back and shoulders being touched but you just let it wash over you, your mistress guarded you and your vulnerability. 

"Calm Alcina" Miranda cooed, lifting her hand in an attempt to touch her cheek but just stretched her wing in the end, relaxing your beloved just enough to allow Miranda to observe your injuries. 

"Im ok now" you reply, still feeling weak and pain filled, keeping your hands firmly o your beloved bust line, her dress giving you a sensation of comfort. 

"Ok good, I prescribe bed rest and lots of love" she turned up to Alcina who blushed, before she turned to the locked door, hearing the scratching and buzzing from the other side. 

"MOTHER" Cassandra screamed as the door was opened, all three tumbled out, looking up to their mother than to you, seeing the blood and hole in the roof and Rose. 

"Yep, it's a shit show but a happy ending" Angie giggled from Donna's shoulders, 

"Are you all alright" Bela whimpered, rising to her mother's side reaching for one of each of both your hands, her wild blond hair looking a little manic and eyes bright and full of concern! 

You were back where you belonged, with your family and no longer consumed by the darkness within. 

(Thank you for reading it means a lot! i hope you all are enjoying this sorry so far <3) 

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