(Chapter 29) Of Deaths Flower.

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(To be honest, I'm struggling for motivation, but I'm pushing through <3 I hope you enjoy this chapter!) 

If there were one thing your mistress hated more than anything, it would be weakness in any form; she despised showing any sign of vulnerability, even to the ones she loved. 

"Alcina, what do you keep hidden up there that you don't want time to know about" you joke, wondering where she would go to check on things.

"Business, my darling" it was irritating how she could keep herself so calm and controlled under pressure. 

"If it were business, then you would show me", getting slightly impatient, latching onto her arm, but as a defence, your mistress flung you, agents, the wall, keeping her hands around your throat.

"I think you have forgotten your place, little one", she chuckled; you looked at her feeling a mixture of fear and arousal. 

She removed her hand, allowing you to drop into her arms, your eyes wide looking up into her golden orbs of light; the surprised and apologetic expression that clouded her was overwhelming. 

"Your right" feeling around your neck, the sexual pain it caused you to replay what had just accused in your mind was pure heaven. 

"No, sweetheart, I'm sorry that was out of line", she swooned over you, placing soft kisses around your neck. 

"Alcina, dear, you know I like that", you chuckle, caressing your fingers over her sharp jaw; her animalistic growl that followed just multiplied to the weakness in your body. 

"I know mica mea curvă" adjusting to her full height, she led her hand looking nervous but also a want to trust you. 


She led you through the castle into rooms from all wings, picking up four masks at the end of your travel. 

"Why did we track around the castle for masks" you look up at her determined face; something in her eyes told you that she was on a mission; who were you to stop her. 

"You will see Iubit", patting your head, lifting you into her arms, not resisting her affection but embracing it; her gentle hands soothed you in ways you could not explain.

"Now, my darling, closes your eyes", she whispered into your ears, confused by her request but not arguing either way, following her instructions.  

The clunking sound of pottery followed, not being able to identify a direction or the source of the noises, only having your memory to remind you what was in that room other than naked female sculptures.

Your mistress moved forward, and the immediate feeling of a draft filled your nerves, huddling unto your mistress for warmth in your sudden change in climate, especially as her whole chest was a soft, warm and beautiful pillow. 

"You can open your eyes now" her voice was shaky, opening your eyes taking in your surroundings; it was a beautiful room window surrounded the turret allowing all the natural light Romania had to offer. 

Finally, seeing the coffin at the end of the room, 

"This man had a whole story and why I keep him up here" your beloved looked over to the black casket. 

"This man thing wanted to rid this world of monsters like me and my siblings, knowing nothing normal would do the job he gathered poisens from all over the globe mixed them all together and poured it into a dagger and named it The dagger Of Deaths Flower.

"The man must have been an idiot for wanting to get rid of you, and two, your not a monster, neither rare your siblings... maybe Heisenberg" you both smiled, you held her hand, assuring her that it was ok, that the fact she was not human didn't bother you in the slightest. 

"Your so kind to me, Y/N", she chuckled, seeking a firm hand on you, using you as a for support, 

"Alci, are you ok being up here? I know being only matters away from something that could kill you must be terrifying," kissing her knuckles. 

Her tall frame holding so much pain inside yet refusing to get rid of it. 

"I can't be killed by a knife", she scoffed, crossing her arms; you tilt your forehead, a knowing look in your eye, letting your mistress know that she could not bullshit her way out of this one. 


"Alcina, after two years of romance and a week of engagement, yet you try and hide from me", seeing yourself at your mistresses vanity as she placed herself on the bed. 

"It's a default way of thinking, darling", she sighed, 

"Are you afraid?" you ask, no tone to your voice, reading yourself to listen, 

"I'm never afraid, i cant be, i must be strong for my daughters" her body tensed, getting up from the chair walking over to eh bed, t felt very wrong for your mistress to look up at you, even if she was lying down it still felt too wrong. 

Laying down next to her, taking her hand in yours, 

"Your always afraid, Alcina, it's just you hide it well from the people you don't want to see it; with the people you trust, you begin to lower the walls and allow little droplets, little interaction into how you're really feeling inside." 

"I trust you dearly, sweetheart, I do" she turned on her side, her hat nearly wacking you in the face causing you both to chuckle. 

"That's good, but I know one day I will earn the right to see all there is to Alcina Dimitrescu, and when I do, I will finally know my wife" your beloved blushed; the sweet rose brought to her cheeks really added to her eyes. 


"Mother may we play something," Daniela asked, looking hopeful for some sort of family activity, 

"What did you have in mind, dear heart" your mistress knelt down to her youngest, kissing her nose, met with excited buzzing. 

"A card game" she revealed a deck of playing cards from within her pockets, a sweet smile on her face. 

"Oh, delightful dove, of course", your beloved answered, leading all three of her children and you to the living room, placing herself in her armchair, you next to her and the girls on the sofa. 

"How I do like a good joc de carti", Cassandra exclaimed, knowing the Dimitrescu girls were competitive and ready to bite a finger off to win a game of blackjack. 

"This is going to be fun", Bela chuckled... 

(Thank you for reading <3) 

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