(Chapter 4) New Knowledge.

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(I hope you all are enjoying this story so far :) I have been working really hard on it with the school work as well, so thank you all for the support!)

You awoke in a room that looked familiar, you looked around seeing you were in the four-poster bed you remembered so well, you were in your mistresses bed chambers. had you fallen asleep on the job, why were you in her bed and were you in new clothes. 

All this was going through your head; your mistress entered the room; she looked just as beautiful from the day before; it crossed your mind into whether she slept in the bed with you, well you hoped. 

"Oh good, your awake" she sat at the end of the bed, her golden eyes looking up and down you, 

"Yes, thank you, I hope I'm not late for my choose"  the panic flooded over you, 

"Well, dear, you looked so comfortable I didn't want to wake you. Clearly, you were overworked," she said this with no anger but kindness, 

"I'm so sorry, I will try and work harder" feeling the same blush caress your cheeks, the one thing you were not was lazy, and you wanted to prove that to your mistress whether it meant you had to pin your eyelids open. 

"No, dear, you're doing well, but you nearly smudged your work last night due to you nearly falling asleep on the canvas, truly adorable" you were so embarrassed, mortified, thinking that she had to carry you because you were falling asleep. 

"Thank you," you say sheepishly; even tho you were incredibly embarrassed, you did appreciate her letting you sleep, 

"So I will let you get ready, and you will meet me in the drawing-room when your done" she got up, fixing her hat before giving you one last glance, leaving the room with elegance and grace. 


After you had gathered yourself, washing your face and dressing up back into your fresh uniform, making your way down the corridor, feeling a surge of excitement when the smell of your mistresses perfume was present. 

Opening the door, seeing her already sat there, with her cigarette in one hand and a book in the other. 

she looked so pretty; there was no bad angle on her, 

"Oh finally dear, I was getting worried", she chuckled, the number of butterflies that appeared from the idea of her even thinking of you. 

"I do apologise for keeping you waiting" you rush over to your stool, picking up your paints once again, allowing the lighting to settle. 

"It is quite alright", her eyes keeping on you with every movement you made. She was watching, and you liked it. 

Then in the middle of the room, the closed of flies appeared, but a different girl appeared, 

"Mother", the girl sounded upset, 

"What, my darling Daniela" she immediately got up to comfort the girl; you sat there, you thought it was sweet to see the mother your mistress truly was. 

"I'm so hungry and can't wait till lunch. Please can I go into the cellar" she had the same golden eyes as her mother; besides the apparent flies, she looked normal-ish, the blood smeared over her cheeks were quite unsettling, but you said nothing. 

"If your that desperate draga, then yes", kissing her daughter's forehead before she disappeared in the swarm she came from. 

 "Is that your daughter?" you ask, wanting to know about your mistress, 

"Yes, she is my baby out of three" the way her face lit up when you asked about her children, it brought you such happiness to see her have so much joy. 

"Wow," three kids on her own in such a place must have taken a lot of effort; even though you gathered she was not human, it must have been tough. 

"Yes, I'm so proud of them" her cheeks were glowing with pride, 

"I can tell" you captured her smile; the portrait was coming together nicely, 


It had been two hours, and your hand was so tired, the determination to please your mistress was more potent than any human urge. 

"You look tired, dear would you like some fresh air" she spoke; she looked close to nodding off herself, 

"If it's ok, that sounds lovely", placing your brush down, letting your wrists relax, then the feeling of leather, her hand touched yours, and it was so magical. 

"Well dear," she lead you out the room holding your small hand; the blush once again rased back to you; her hand was a lot bigger than yours, so her fingers easy wrapped around yours. 

It was not long before you were walking hand in hand around the grounds, taking in the afternoon air was a true blessing,

"Can I ask you something" you turn to her, looking deep into her eyes, 

"Of course" she turned to you, stopping in her tracks, her full attention on you, 

"How did you find me" it had been puzzling you for days, the fact a woman so far away could find you, saving your life in some ways. 

"You were suggested to me by a- friend" she smiled clearly, not telling the whole truth, but you were happy with her answer and continued with your walk, pointing out the flowers and watching the sunset over the castle. 

"Y/N, I have had a lovely time with you this evening, so I was wondering" she paused; something you8 would never forget was a slight rose colour appearing on her cheeks, 

"Yes, m'Lady", you only await her answer eagerly, 

"I would love to do this walk with you again", looking down at you, and she knew your answer even before you spoke; your eyes said it all. 

"I would be honoured" externally; you were calm on the inside however you were jumping up and down and running all over the place. 

"Oh splendid, well I will see you in the morning dear" she slowly let go of your hand before she turned and walked inside; after she turned, you jumped up and down trying to suppress your happiness. 


That night was difficult, twisting and turning in your bed, something about your mistresses touch that sent you into happy dreams was just missing, how you craved her, her voice, the way she walked and smiled. 

She was all you could think about, the amount you wanted to tell her, to express your feelings to her, to feel her warm presence. 

But no, you must wait until she came to you. It would never work; she was too good for you anyway. So, looking over to your little desk, the black feather was sitting there peacefully, a reminder of your journey and newfound happiness. 

It took a while, but eventually, you fell into sleep dreaming about the one you loved most... 

(Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. New chapter on its way!)

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