(Chapter 31) Disposing of the Body.

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(Hope you enjoy this chapter! I hope this helps you feel better @sandybonham <3) 

Your mistress wrapped you in a fluffy red towel; she fired you of completely before snuggling you into the material. 

You purred into her gesture, almost forgetting about your injuries until the pressure of the towel moulded into your bullet gash. 

 "I know you're going to hate this darling, but it's what Donna has suggested; from you already surviving the manthings shot to the stomach and responding tremendously to the treatment, you should heal from this easily", she soothed, even though you flinched at her fingertips you still wanted her to stay close. 

"If it approved by Donna and of course you, then I guess I will just grit it out" you put on a smile know g it was just as hard for your beloved having to do something she knew caused you pain in the first place but dying from infection was not an option for you. 

Even if at that moment the thought had crossed your mind as the alcohol seeped into your wound, then to have pressure applied by another smaller soft cloth. 

You muffle your yelps by biting down hard on your towels still wrapped around your body, propped up agents your mistresses chest as you tried to let her work without being disturbed. 

"Oh good, darling, only a little longer", your mistress cooed so gently into your ear, rubbing your back with her free hand; her bosom pressed up agents your spine so you couldn't complain. 

"They're done, sweetheart" she kissed your forehead, lifting the towel from your upper arm before the familiar white bandage was wrapped around the wound, sealing up the pain. 

"Thank you, darling; you really are good with your hands", you wink, seeing her blush; it always brought you pride to know that even after two years of being together that you could still make her feel intense emotions. 

It was all the proof you needed to tell you that she was the one for you. 

It was the knock at the door that alerted the both of you, feeling slightly frustrated for the perfect mood to be ruined until the small voices of your daughter appeared from behind the door. 

"Mother mummy, can we come in" there voices like three little mice; you run for a dressing gown to save what was left of your dignity. 

"Yes, dears do enter" your mistress welcomed her daughters into the room; they all pilled in, running for their mother's embrace. 

Your mistresses arms were long enough to hold all her children comfortably, leaving kisses on all of the heads, showing her true mothering nature. 

You sat and enjoyed the sweet view; if there was one thing you loved to see was a mother, unconditional love, it was something you had never experienced see you looked else were for a loving fix, to fill the section in your heart only a mother could full, proving why your beloved Lady Dimitrescu was indeed the one for you.

"Mummy, are you ok? We were so worried," Bela piped up, wriggling out of her mothers hold walking up to you, 

"Yea, we saw it all from the window. It WAS SO COOL," Daniela giggled; you chuckled, feeling a smile grow on your face. 

"Yes, darlings, I'm ok, little battered, but there is no need to fear", keeping your head held high, knowing deep down inside that you protected your family from the beast that was your father, the only thing that worried you were the inner beast growing within you. 


"What troubles you so, my dear" your mistress cooed, draping her arms around your shoulders while drinking a bottle of red wine. 

"I love you and everything that makes you, you! But you said that I was now one of you. It only has confused me," hearing your mistresses voice over and over in your head, trying to make sense of her words. 

"Well, sweetness, from me, marking you, claiming you rightly as my own, I have passed a bit of the Cadou into your bloodstream" she led you to her vanity, sitting herself on the chair and you on her lap. 

"Is that why I craved blood and had that massive adrenalin spike" looking up to her, your eyes wide looking for answers, 

"Yes, it is why you would crave blood and enjoy the kill more than you would as a human, but the adrenalin burst was pure you, the mixture of terror and excitement from the hunt and the kill with a mixture of longing to confront your father" she kissed your knuckles before taking a large sip from her glass. 

"What do we do with the body" you mutter, deep in thought. 

"What would you like to do with it" she caressed your cheek, bringing your gaze back to her, her golden eyes shining into your E/C eyes. 

"I don't want anyone to eat that filth, so can we burn it and then if any of his bones remain, send it to my mother as a warning" you grin, selling the sly smile on your mistresses lips. 

"Oh dear, that is a marvellous idea", she chuckled, meeping your lips with hers, tasting the blood wine on her tongue. 

For the first time, the metal taste of the blood was enjoyable, 

"Would you like me to ready Rose for Miranda's arrival" her kiss left you breathless, never wanting to be freed from her embrace.  

"Yes, darling, that would be great, but please stay just a little longer; I need my maiden", you melt into her words; as she pulled you into her embrace, you couldn't help but to feel tears form in your eyes. 

" Te inubesc draga", she whispered into your skin, feeling a single tear roll down your cheek; your beloved grip only got stronger, keeping you safe and secure in her hold. 


The guest bedroom that had been turned into a baby nursery for any occasion was where rose lay, just enjoying the things babies think about. 

Still curious how she ended up in your father's bag would haunt you for as long as there was no answer. 

Dressing Rose warmly for her journey back to the church, sad that soon she would be gone to be replaced with this Eveline you had heard so much about. 

Cassandra sat in the corner, mesmerised by the baby toys that were laid out on the wooden floor; the little train was what she had her eye on, though, as though it was speaking to her. 

The sweetheart wouldn't leave your side unless your mistress was acumening you, worried something terrible would happen to you unless she protected you as you did for her. 

"There, Rose, all ready for Miranda" it had been a struggle; you had forgotten that babies moved ALOT and putting whose so small on a creature not much bigger would be so challenging, alas you completed it aby how. 

"Someone is approaching the grounds" Cassandra was alert; she could smell things that you could only dream of" she led you down the corridor holding Rose with the free hand that was not being dragged down the hall. 

Miranda awaited you outside the grand doors, looking very worried until she saw your face and visibly relaxed. 

"Oh Y/N then goodness, your alright", she greeted you with a hug; you did wonder how you two went from enemies to friends. 

"I'm ok, have no fear", you assure her, passing Rose into her arms, almost missing the infant. 

Alcina followed, hugging her mother with delight; you loved to see that what mother love your mistress gave out that she would receive with some care as well. 

"Oh, Mother was a joy to see you, please come. I will make tea" with that, she led you and Miranda into the living room. 

(Thank you for reading! <3) 

Painted Like Blood. (Lady Dimitrescu x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now