(Chapter 19) Disgusting Manthing.

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(How I do hate Manthings... I hope you enjoy this chapter! TW: men.) 

It had not even reached witching hour, your mistress awoke you in a panic, her breathing heavy and anxious, you sprung up from the sheets, your eyes wide trying to wake yourself even though your body acted agents it. 

"Fucking Heisenberg can't do his stupid job", your mistress growled, 

"Alcina, what's going on" trying to understand what was going on, scared and confused, 

"Ethan Winters has escaped the man child and is out for blood", she panted, lifting you from the bed, holding you tight in her arms, taking you out the room and down the halls pick high speed. 

"I want to help kill the thing" you had had enough playing the helpless maiden. It was time for you to fight your beloveds corner to become an asset to your beloved. 

"I'm not letting you anywhere near that man", she attempted a smile, but you could tell it was a strain. 

You chose not to argue with her, knowing it would only increase her stress; it was when she opened the cellar door, down the spiral staircase and into the laboratory. 

"I need you to be brave, dear and to stay here until I get you, understand?" she kissed your forehead before turning and locking the door from the outside, keeping you locked for your own good. 

Hearing her footsteps extend up the stairs once again, you felt utterly hopeless and scared, slumping down on the floor burning your head in your hands. 

"Stupid Manthing", you repeat to yourself, how dare a man to terrorise your mistress in such a way,  

Buzzing surrounded you until Bela stood before you, holding a book; she looked at you with sympathetic eyes. 

"I know it looked bad, but Mother is trying to protect you; it shows how much she cares for you" she passed you the items before checking the door, making sure it was secure. 

"I know she means only love bu this, but I want to be of help" you believed the anxiety about not helping your mistress kill this pest would bring you to an early grave. 

"Look, I cant go agents mothers wishes, and that is to keep you safe; I will check up on you soon to update you, and if anything goes wrong, I will get you" this gave you some closer but also frightened you more, what happened if she didn't come back? 

"Fine, thank you, Bela", squeezing her hand before she disappeared in her swarm of flies, looking over to the book she brought you, it was a horror romance, brilliant. 


Being stuck in a room for too long was driving you mad; you were so anxious you had been rereading the same paragraph on the second page for a good fifteen minutes. 

From the winery, a massive crash echoed to your ears, you freeze in position, feeling although glued to the floor. 

The crash was then followed with loud grunting and pained mumbling; your heart pounded in your chest when the door to the lab started to rattle, the person on the other side got irritated when he saw it was locked. 

"Hello", the voice called; you didn't know how they knew you were there, choosing to keep your lips sealed, slowly standing up, walking over to the cabinets opening one of the doors picking up a needle. 

Holding it above your head as a weapon, then positioning yourself behind the door, you thought the sound of your brain pulsing agents in your skull would be enough to alert the man to your whereabouts. 

The man rammed his shoulder into the door, thankfully the door held up strong, and for the second, third and fourth time, he ran his full strength into the door, so desperate to get inside for reasons you were oblivious. 

It was on his fifth attempt that he finally broke down the door, knocking it to the floor; there was nowhere to hide. 

He walked in, drenched in blood; whether it was his own was questionable, he looked around the room, finally spotting you, mining his gun to your forehead. 

You wanted to scream, to run, to cry, but you stayed perfectly still, Hiding the syringe in your hand away from his eyesight. 

"Who are you" the man barked, keeping the gun close to your head, feeling the heat of the barrel, presently fired gun. 

"im- I'm", you stutter, barely able to get a word out; it was then that the man took the perception you were just some hopeless girl. 

"you know what, never mind, make a noise, and I will kill you", you snarled, feeling your blood boil at his arrogance and audacity, lifting eh syringe slowly. 

When he finally turned around, you took the opportunity to jump onto his backstabbing the needle into his neck injecting its contents. 

The man screamed, tossing you off his back, his breath was heavy, and his face was hideous, covered in blood. 

It was then you realised only your beloved could look stunning with blood around her. But then again, she could look gorgeous in anything. 

He pointed his gun at you, cocking the barrel aiming it at you once more; you only smirk, 

"I'm the maiden of House fucking Dimitrescu, and who are you" chuckling as his face dropped, 

"Ethan, Ethan winters", he stuttered in something you sensed was fear, hearing your mistresses footsteps from upstairs. 

Longing for her to show up and kill the man, but Ethan Winters had other plans, taking his pistol finally pulling the trigger releasing a bullet. 

You feel your life flash before your eyes, trying to dodge it, but you failed; feeling the bullet ender your abdomen, you could not help but to scream in pain. 

You Clutched your bleeding wound, falling to your knees, watching as the blood left your body in a deep pool of crimson. 

Feeling your vision start to blur, seeing your mistress white dress ender like an angry storm, her voice deep and more furious than you had ever known, feeling initial comfort from her presence. 

"HOW DARE YOU ETHAN WINTER" She screamed, her extended claws plunging into his chest before he could say a word. 

Bela, Cassandra and Daniela all entered to the sound of the commotion, all in horror and rage at the sight, seeing their mother not clutching at your bleeding body. 

"Get rid of that thing and call Donna", your beloved commanded, lifting your almost lifeless body off the ground. 

In your near unconscious state, you saw tears begin to fall down her cheeks, lifting your hand whooping them away. 

"It's ok, Darling" tying to smile, your mistress kissed you in response before laying you down on the lab table; you didn't know what was going to happen. 

All you knew was that you could not die, not anymore you had things to live for people to love and things you wanted to do, for the first time in your whole life, you finally had something to hold onto and show you life was now worth living. 

(Thank you for reading <3 if you could not tell I hate manthings 😂  😅 ) 

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