(Chapter 39) Preparation.

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(Hey everyone, ya know what I said earlier about Mother Miranda and Heisenberg's relationship to be different in this book? Well, this chapter will show you what I mean; I will be bending the backstories of all the Lords to my Will mhmaamma, lol. THIS CHAPTER GAVE ME THE FEELS! I hope you enjoy it!)

As the time came near for the ceremony, you continued to worry about little Rose and her future, thinking about how crushed Miranda would really be to lose Rose as they had really bonded over the months they had spent together. 

It was challenging to convince Mother Miranda otherwise as her heart had brain had been hell bent on this plan of resurrection for her daughter Eveline, full well knowing the outcome if not done perfectly. 

"I will hear NO more arguments" Miranda slammed her hands down on the dining table; you sat there in shock, only wanting to help but clearly only making things worse in Miranda's eyes, a true broken mother. 

"I am only trying to help you see the other side of things from Roses perspective" besides the better judgement and shut up, you continued to fight your corner, not in the mood to give up just yet. 

"I NEED NOT TO SEE ANY OTHER PERSPECTIVES THAN MY OWN", she screamed, launching her chair back agents the wall; you felt your body freeze; her motions were just too similar to the way your father used to treat you, sending you horrid memories at the moment when you were meant to be conservation. 

"With all due respect Mother Miranda your daughter is dead and has been for a long time; who is to say she wants to be brought back" it was a dangerous way to go, but in order to get your point across, you had to venture into painful territory. 

"SHE WAS TEN WHEN SHE DIED SHE WOULD NOT HAVE KNOWN WHAT SHE WANTED" seeing the tears well in her eyes, even though he tried to hide behind the golden mask, you could just feel the pain radiation of her. 

"Don't you think that maybe just maybe she would want you to raise Rose like your own like she could see you moving on after all these years and finally be at peace knowing her mummy is ok" you approached her slowly, offering your hand out to her.

She hesitated, her anger melting away only to reveal the true pain and agony underneath,  her broken soul and shattered heart left open for you to see; you took her hand and held it tight; she didn't resist; she accepted your warmth. 

"I tried for years to full the whole she left, with my four children who in some way failed to be the vessel found their way into my heart, not fully healing me but helping me all the same" she started a slight smile on the corners of her lips. 

You led her back to the table, sitting her down on a chair that was not smashed to the wall; she took the seat, wresting her other hand neatly on the table, you could see where your beloved go there gracefulness and elegance from. 

"I searched the word for the perfect vessel, killing thousands in the proses but on my travels, I met four individuals that just spoke to me, their pain and suffering drew me in, and I took pitty, for example, your wife was a wreck when I found her, on the run and in desperate need of something" feeling a pain rush over you, knowing your mistresses story all too well. 

"I knew what it was like to lose my baby but to lose three young children broke her into pieces; she was a true mess from her hideous arranged marriage that I came to her saying I would help her heal from her pains and offer her a new life with her babies and a luxurious home like she was used to" you giggled knowing your beloved had her persicic tastes. 

"I took the bodies of her three dead girls and placed them in a damp room, filled it with flies and well let them do their thing, within days the flyes had consumed their bodies and brought back the toddlers Alcina had lost, only a little different as they can swarm about and need fresh blood" you could just imagine three baby girls with your mistress. 

"Then it was my Alcina, as she slept one night I transfer some of the mould also known as the Caduo before I knew it she went from six-foot to nine six in a night." you both shared a laugh at the idea of your beloved getting the shock of her life waking up almost three-foot taller. 

"But the one child I remember so well was Heisenberg, oh he was so vulnerable, I was in Germany at the time and decided to stop in the local orphanage, and immediately my eyes fell on one little boy, so malnourished, and looking so angry I just was so mesmerised by him that I adopted him the same day." you looked at her in astonishment. 

"Yes, I then gave him the same mould, and he inherited strength with metal and robotic, and I have never been so proud of my children all with their specialities and talents, Alcina with her wine and brilliant healing, my Karl with his technical and metal ability and my darling Donna with her ability to mess up the human psyche and  transfer her power into other beings, oh and her eye for the arts like Dolls and that sort of thing." 

"What about Moreau?" wondering where the excitement came from that, 

"Oh ha! I was walking along the beach one day. I saw this fisherman on the dock, so I pushed him into the sea, drowning him, then taking his dead body into my lab and using him as a lab rat, eventually gaining the power of the fish and adapting to that, not as successful as my others. But, still, I love him all the same" you looked in pure adoration at the work Miranda had put in, her dedication to the life of her children taking them from the pure hell of their lives and improving everything by giving them the motherly love that they had missed in there life. 

"With all that you still search for the baby you lost, I think Evaline has given you a second shot a motherhood, and just look at the four kids you have now all special in their own way, and yes, none of them will be able to full the whole of your biological child but doesn't you think that this almost proves that to be a mother a good mother that you don't need blood only love kindness and a lot of fucking patience" you smile, seeing the light in your mother in laws eyes turn back on. 

"Your right; I have done a good job in raising my children. Even if they did not come from my body, they are still my children, and I could not be here without any of them, even though sometimes I question their sanity and mental capacity. But from this, I have three grandbabies who I just adore and whatever the fuck Angie is, I love the thing" she stuttered through tears that your beloved had been turned from tears of despair to tears of knowledge and gratitude. 

I thank you for hearing what I had to day," you whisper, 

"No, thank you for putting me into perspective; I shall be preparing to add a few additions to the family soon like you, my first daughter in law" you felt yourself tear up at this, to finally be accepted into a family that loved you and cared about you. 

"You have no idea how happy that makes me", you sob, hugging Miranda without a second thought; she hugged you back, trying not to stab you with her mask. 

(how this gave me the feeeeeels ahhh the wholesomeness of this is just what we needed after the very intense chapters before this, lol! Thank you for reading <3) 

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