(Chapter 27) Parents .Part 1.

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(And the plot thickens hope you enjoy this chapter!) 

Waking the next morning entangled with your mistress, inhaling her scent like oxygen, feeling true clarity within her hold. 

"Finally, my little one awakes", your mistress mumbles through sleepy mumbles; you kiss her cheek, 

"Yes, my dear, finally I am awake", you chuckle, rolling over to look at the clock in your nightstand,  seven am, time to wake to change your bandages and get to moring chors.

Even though your mistress protested agents it, you had insisted to begin work in the house. Otherwise, you felt useless and like you had no purpose. 

"Are you in pain, sweet one?" your beloved asked, 

"Not too much, dear", trying not to worry your mistress about your abdominal pain; even though you were shot a while ago and had received the best medical treatment, money could buy pain was still a common occurrence in your daily life. 

"Your lying to me" her voice was not stern, but it was strong; she rose from the sheets, wrapping her arms around you, pulling you into her arms, allowing her to take possession of what is hers. 

"I don't want to bother you with the truth", hating to lie to your mistress, it was the ultimate betrayal not only to her but to yourself as well, but in times where her worry could be spared, it seemed worth it. 

"You must always tell me the truth, dove, especially if it is about you", laying her chin on the top of your head, running her lean fingers behind your ears; the cold feeling was calming, trusting her with your vulnerability. "We will speak about this later, my darling, but i have this room to clean and you have paperwork to do", you chuckle, turning around in your mistress hold, pleasing your forehead together, cupping her cheeks before leaving a kiss on her crimson lips. 

"You come before work, dearest, you know that" she smiled agents your desperate lips, feeling your craving through your skin. 


Your mistress sat in her study chair, reviewing her business paperwork as you read a book on her lap, leading back into her chest as she concentrated her reading glasses perched comfortably on the bridge of her nose.

Your peace was short lived; however, as the phone rang, the deafening rattle of the telephone was desperately irritating; your mistress quickly picked up the phone. 

"Hello, Lady Dimitrescu speaking" her voice was professional, giving no emotion in her voice, nothing like you remembered from your first call. 

You could not hear much but the odd word and noises. Still, you could tell it was not some business call, feeling your mistresses arm around your waist tighten, pulling you in closer, placing your book down, looking up into her eyes, her skin paler than ever if that was possible. 

"I do not know how you got this number, but I would suggest you never call it again, or we will have problems" the coldness from her voice was enough to freeze a lake, killing any living thing with it. 

It was only to hear your fathers voice on the other line that made your heart stop beating; time stood still, nothing felt right, looking to your mistress giving her a look that told her to hang up the phone. 

She could read you like a book, slamming the phone on the receiver, her hands shaking from anger and adrenalin mixed together, 

"You know who was on the other end of the line. Don't you?" she held you tight, giving you some form of closure. 

"Tha-a-t was m-y fahte-er", you stuttered, struggling to find the words, 

"He is looking for you now after two years" she stared off into the corner of the room like they always did when she was in deep thought. 

"Looking for me, the last thing he said to me was to stop talking like a child and to get out of his sight what would he want from me" confused at your parent sudden interested in you, the anger in your soal towards the both of them was almost painful. 

"They will not take you from me. I will not allow it," your mistress growled like an angry dog, eyes turning the familiar bronze colour, pupils dilating. 

"I don't want to go back I want to stay with you and the girls" it was genuinely typical of life to bring back people who had brought you so much pain just as things were getting better for you. 

Clearly, getting engaged and having a building relationship with your soon to be Mother in law and siblings in law, and daughter who was learning t love you was too much for the universe to handle, as though your happiness was an inconvenience. 

"You're not going back never ever you are mine, al naibii de al meu" the angry rumble in her chest soothed you, giving you comfort to know that your parents could do shit to brighten you back, even if they were to send the army it would do nothing but complicate there lives. 

"If they find me, can we kill them and turn them into a special bottle of wine we can have at Christmas, something festive of their pathetic lives" you had never been a really violent person, but after the things you had seen and been through your ability to give a fuck and gone. 

"Oh, my darling, I like the way you think", her voice returned to the sweet seductive one you had fallen in love with, just falling into her hold, allowing her to embrace your body in any way she saw fit. 

Marking you, drinking your blood from your sacred love mark, something you held dear to you as it was something you felt protected you from the hideous world you lived in. 


Your anxiety kept you awake the following night, tossing and turning from what could be the future. 

"Sweet mouse, please rest and not worry your little head about those idiots", your beloved purred, pulling you closer to her, kissing your forehead, making you feel safer once again, if only for a split second. 

"Alcina, I'm scared", you whimper, expressing your emotions to the one person you knew cared; her reaction was to protect you; she could smell the fear of the ones she loved. 

"I know dove, I know, but I will protect you until the bitter end, and I'm immortal they can't do shit", she chuckled, giving you some comfort, wishing death on the nose who worried you so. 

"The once who prevent my wife's sleep will pay with their lives" she stayed with a cool tone, 

"Could we get some fresh air? I need to feel the night breeze," lifting your tired body out of bed, walking to the balcony, your beloved mistress following in close pursuit. 

"If that is what will help you sleep, dear one, then of course" she followed you out onto the balcony; both of you inhaled the cold air awaiting what was to come. 

(Thank your fore reading <3) 

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