(Chapter 36) Caduo

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(I am quite exhausted from my new kitten! Even though he is a handful, I love him to bits. I hope you enjoy this chapter! I apologize for not posting yesterday. I just was feeling quite anxious, so I just slept with help. Im feeling a lot better today; however!<3 ) 

Keeping your body very close to your mistress, not wanting to let go, your stability depended on her presence and her touch; without her at that moment, you would be a mear broken, crying maiden. 

Trying to hold back your sniffles and cries, your beloved stroked your back up and down, securing you tight in her arms as she walked slowly outside. 

"It is all ok my darling", she whispered into your ear, finally feeling a sense of control come back; you sigh some relief. 

As you swayed in your mistresses arms across the hallway the sound of both Heisenberg and Mother Mirada rung through your eardrums, feeling your body tense up once more, only to be soothed with a healing kiss from your beloved.

With the sight of your mistress carrying you Miranda ran down the stairs, finally meeting you both at the bottom of the stairwell. 

"Oh Y/N are you ok dear" she sounded genuinely concerned, you blushed at the unwanted attention, but you were most worried about seeing Heisenberg from the way you ran out of his offered exam. 

"Yea- I'm fine" you mumble, using your mistress as a barrier from the outside world, 

"Mum you found her yet" a voice yelled from the upstairs, 

"No sweetheart keep looking" Miranda answered, giving you a wink before ushering both you and your beloved out the back door. 


"I don't know why I acted like that" you reminisced over the last hour that had occurred, feeling deeply ashamed. 

"I do" your beloved looked down, her eyes shining like the golden beauty she is, 

"You were afraid, I would be if I was being examined by a manthing" she chuckled, smiling, revealing her fangs over her bottom lip. 

"It was not just fear though, something just came over me to act so irrationally" looking to your beloved in the hope she would have an answer. 

"Something else, explain dear" she looked in interest, feeling some happiness to know you were not going insane. 

"Well I just felt a surge of panic and like my life was flashing before my eyes like I could see the blood on my arm, I didn't know why I was not in excruciating pain but I could see the blood" finishing with a sharp breath. 

"You must have the same side effects as Donna" your beloved looked up to the sky as she walked through the gardens. 

"Donna creates hallucinations, making things that seem real in the subconscious but in fact are not there, I'm thinking you may have triggered your abilities from your anxiety." It was such a relief to have an explanation. 

"So I am infected then" it was a weird thought to have, knowing you had a living parasite inside of you fucking with your brain. 

"Yes my darling just like me" she smiled, twirling around with you in her arms, feeling a smile creep onto your own lips, leaning your head on her shoulder. 


Finally calming down enough to go back to the castle, feeling your feet on the floor and you walk to your bed chambers, hand in hand with your mistress. 

"Feeling better little one" your beloved cooed, kissing your forehead, 

"Feeling a lot better thank you" you reply, 

Before you could settle on the bed the door to the bed chambers flew open, Miranda stood there and smirk on her face. 

"God this can't be good" your beloved chuckled, 

"Oh Alcina- I'm not here for you dear, I'm here for your lovely wife" she looked at you, feeling yourself cowed into the pillows behind you, wising for their feathery content to protect you. 

"Mother whatever for" you're beloved stood before you, protecting you in the way she did, keeping your anxiety to a minimum. 

"Oh have no fear my dears it has nothing to do with this morning incident. I have to show Y/N something" she sounded so excited as she said this, sending excitement to you it was so infectious. 

"Im interested,"  you chuckle, getting off the bed approaching the excited woman, she held out her hand, you take it with caution but to your surprise, her hands were soft and warm. 

"Shall I tag along?" your mistress asked a little suspicious, 

"Oh Alci darling no need for suspicion i will get you in a second I just have to do it separately, 

Besides the adding suspense, you both nodded in agreement to give Miranda the benefit of the doubt.

She led you down the corridor, pulling you vigourously into her guest chambers, 

"So what is-" you were speechless, looking to the wardrobe, 

"Do you like it" she clapped her hands in anticipation, you were thrilled but embarrassed a the same time. 

"I have no words" it was true all the logic of the world had just been drained from your brain, 

"I know what Alcina has on the top floor" she winked, "And I thought this would be the perfect addition" she proudly presented her wardrobe, the pullout strap table with ankle and wrist tyes just added to the red silk. 

"It's amazing I'm just sorry for you to worry about our sex life" you burst out laughing, the mixture of pure embarrassment and the intense fluster just added to the humour of it all. 

"Oh darling I have been talking to Alcina about sex advice since she was forty-four" she sighed as the laughter died down. 

"Right" you giggle, thinking of all the times your beloved and mother in law sat down with a cup of tea and talked about sex. 


It was then your mistresses turn to see her new sex wardrobe, you placed an ear to the door just to nearly piss yourself to her scream in horror and delighted. 

"MOTHER- what is this" your beloved sounded beside herself, 

"Early wedding gift my darling" Miranda said casually, 

You ran back to your bedroom with tears of laughter, you were definitely going to make good use of that table. 

(Thank you for reading! Sorry for the shortness but I'm just really tired <3) 

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