(Chapter 34) Vessel.

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(I must admit it is weird to write Mother Miranda as a 'good' person, but I'm always open to new things, lol. I hope you enjoy this chapter! <3 )

After your late-night purge into your new animal instinct, you slept like a baby, cuddled close to your mistress, feeling full and tired close to your beloved, who just drifted to sleep as soon, and her head hit the pillow. 

Within your dreams, you saw the church, where Miranda stood at the front with little Rose in her arms, oblivious to the future. 

"Oh Y/N, just in time for the marvellous ceremony" Mother Mirada treated you with a smile through her metal mask; you felt wrong in your stomach; your consonance was telling you that Rose didn't deserve to die. She just didn't. 

"Mother Miranda, with all respect, is this the way it has to be," walking up to the altar, looking at Miranda, her face not irritated, just surprised. 

"Do you have an alternative" you were speechless; you didn't have an answer, but there was something you knew deep inside, and you knew she did too; it was whether she wanted to hear it was the question. 

"Is it really going to help you bring back Eve? She has been dead so long. Are you sure it won't be painful?" Miranda thought for a moment before answering. 

"To feel pain is part of the game; I have spent my life trying to get my baby back. I can't stop now. It would mean I just wasted my life for what?" she exhaled; even though you knew it was a dream, you didn't know if it was mind control or a real dream; you couldn't take any chances. 

"It would show strength in letting go of the past; knowing you can't change what happened but can shape your future is the challenge." 

"My baby was only ten when the flu took her; I had to bury my own child" Miranda's eyes welled with tears; you took a deep breath. 

"it wasn't your fault; I think the reason you can't let go is because you think you caused her death," you reached out your hand; Mother Miranda hesitated before excepting, placing Rose back in the bassinet. 

"It was a cold winter, and the Spanish Flu was killing everyone,"  she placed her other hand on top of yours; her palms were warmer than you expected. 

"She wanted to go out in the cold and didn't wear a coat" she smiled through her tears, remembering her daughter. 

"things just went downhill from there, until I woke up one morning and realised my baby- had passed in her sleep" to this, she burst into tears; you were stuck in shock s she used your shoulder for comfort. 

You stood there trying not to move in hope for her to calm down and relax.


It was when you woke up, not as abrupt and before but a normal eye open, letting the light burn your pupils. 

You lay there for a moment, processing what had just occurred, still figuring out if it was a real dream or not. 

"hmm, good morning, my dear, did you sleep well" your beloved caressed your cheeks with her fingertips, a smile on her face just melting you out of thought. 

"Much better, thanks to you" you kiss her lips, never wanting to pull away, but time doesn't stop for a kiss. 

"Im pleased, dear; I have to go check on Mother Miranda; if you need me, you know where I am", she purred agents your lips, kissing them gently before getting out of bed, just admiring her as she walked into the bathroom.

How did you get so lucky? You thought, getting out of bed yourself, getting your uniform out of the cupboard, getting ready for work. 

Looking at your arm and the nearly healed built wound, then to your abdomen that had really had healed thanks to Donna and her homemade scare cream. 

"When did we say you could go back to work, hmm" your mistress huffed, leaning at the bathroom door, her lips in a smirk. 

You turned around a little startled, feeling a little sheepish in your underwear even though she had seen it all before. 

"i- I feel ready", you mutter, looking up to her approaching figure, feeling her hands wrap around your waist, pulling you into her hold; you blushed. 

"Are you sure?" she said, her tone deep and seductive, her eyes staring at you into your soul, knowing she could destroy you right there and then. 

"mhm," you reply, trying your best to hold eye contact, 

"Well, darling, I trust your judgement", she smiled, finally pulling you up into her grip, leaving a kiss on your forehead, then your neck, gliding over your mark. 

"Claim me", you whisper into her ear, to this your mistress's ears twitched, and she looked at you with fire in her eyes, telling you with no words how much she would like to destroy you on the bed in an instant, but she had things to do that day. 

"Tonight, dearest", you could tell it had taken a lot of willpower for her to do that, and you smirked, feeling the tightness within her inner thighs, hoping she would now feel the pain you insured every day because your beloved was just illegally sexy. 

But just before you parted ways, she re-open your mark, sucking your blood, scaring your mark even more to your delight; it was always pleasurable to feel your mistress around your neck. 

"I will finish this later, but I must get to my Mother; she placed you down looking a little flushed, her fangs a tint of red as your blood was still present in her mouth; you hoped she would tase you the rest of the day. 

"See you later, darling", you tease,  enjoying having the upper ground for one, even though you knew that night you were completely FUCKED. 


You walked into the kitchen, greeted with the stares of the other maids; it was a mixture of horror and anger. 

Feeling uncomfortable, you go to make Mother Miranda a cup of tea with Donnas tea leaves, 

"Oh, don't worry, Miss, we will do that for you," one of the maids said; her tone was so passive-aggressive it pissed you off. 

"It's fine. I have got it thanks" you were ready to punch the bitch in the face, grabbing the cup back from her hands. 

Her expression was a mixture of anger and shock; you thrived on her anger, knowing she couldn't do shit as if she stood out of line either you or your mistress would beat and eat the living shit out of her. 

It was then the doors to the castle burst open, and the sound of a man's voice echoed through the castle. 

"Oi Tall bitch we need to talk" you knew instantly who it was; Heisenberg was in the castle. Why you didn't know, but you were not going to stress your beloved. 

Running into the hall seeing the scruffy man walking aimlessly around the hall dragging his hammer along the carpets. 

"Oh Lord Heisenberg, what do owe the- pleasure" you tried to be respectful, but your dislike for men was just that little bit stronger. 

"Oh Midget, I'm here to talk to your personal beanstalk and my birth giver", he grumbled, he reeked strongly of beer and whisky, but you couldn't judge. You probably smelled of wine and blood with a hint of perfume. 

"They are upstairs. Would you like me to call them down, or are you happy to meet them up there" he had no interest in what you had to say, only nodded and replied, 

"They can come to me; they called me" you hadn't heard about this but guessed it was Miranda, so you just nodded and turned to go up to the guest bedroom. 

(Thank you for reading! I am going to write some more Heisenberg shenanigans next chapter so prepare for some Man-things lol <3)

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