(Chapter 24) Oh Miranda.

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(Yes, these next few chapters will be the deciders about Miranda, so I hope you will be pleased with the outcome, but I will say no more! I hope you enjoy it. <3) 

The maiden who was looking after Rose came into the library, holding the crying infant, looking very stressed, different to her calm domineer in the earlier hours. 

"What is the meaning of this" your mistress barked, glaring down to the woman; the baby continued to cry, 

"M'Lady, I have done everything in my power to try and get her to stop crying. Unfortunately, nothing is working," the woman stuttered, shaking as your mistress reached for the child. 

Your mistress had the motherly touch as the nursling stopped crying; you could see the glimmer of light in your beloveds golden eyes, the light that told you that she knew what she was doing. 

"Not that hard now, was it" your inamorata sighed, now cradling the sleeping infant; you sat on her thighs, giving her space to hold the baby but still able to feel her warmth. 

"I apologize, mistress. I don't have the maternal touch as you do" she kept her head down, trying to avoid your beloved powerful gaze. 

"No, you don't, but you don't have children so that it can be expected," the maiden looked relieved, taking a slow breath before looking up again. 

"You are dismissed" your mistress waved her hand, looking at you, love entering her face with the sight of you; she leaned over, kissing your forehead. 

The maid left with not another word; you looked up at your mistress, then to the baby in her arms, who was now quite peaceful from only a few seconds ago. 

"She really looks like Bela" your mistress kept her eyes on the baby, a smile growing on her face, the true mother in her just thriving at the child. 

"She is going back to Miranda today", a slight hint of sadness in her voice, but her smile remained on her face, her thumb gliding over little Roses chin. 


"Y/N, would you accompany me to return Rose to Mother Miranda," you answered within a heartbeat, 

"Ofcourse, M'Lady", kissing her knuckles, knowing that she had gotten attached to the tiny infant in the short time with the knowledge of what Miranda was going to do to her. 

"Thank you, sweetness", she returned the affection kissing your lips before leading you to the carriage. 

This was the first time you had been in the carriage from your first day at the caste when you were picked up from the train station; you were a different person now, a much happier and fulfilled person. 

Setting yourself next to your beloved, she wrested Rose in a little baby basket; she was in the little pink outfit that Miranda had dressed her in on arrival, but it had since been washed and dried. 

Your mistress then rested her hand on your thigh, relaxing her body agents you, almost using you as a human armrest. 

"I do wonder what Eveline will be like", your mistress mumbled to herself, clearly just thinking a little too loudly; you look up at her. 

"Who is Eveline?" you had never heard of this girl before and what connection she had to Mother Miranda, 

"She Is Mother Mirandas dead daughter," she said it so nonchalantly that it almost sounded normal, 

"Miranda is a Mother,"  you were shocked, only thinking she was a working mum, 

"Well, you know that dear, she is my mother and Donnas mother and the two others." knowing the truth about genetics might not be the best thing to mention due to your beloved true loyalty and devotion to Miranda, so you chose to keep your mouth shut. 

"Yes, but what happened and how does that link to Rose" filled with questions more into the organisation with your beloved and her Mother. 

"In a few days, Mother Miranda will perform the ceremony bringing her daughter back using Rose as her vessel; it has taken her years to find the perfect body" looking out the window as she answered. 

"I would have been her first choice if not for my blood condition" this connected some dots; the blood consumption now made sense; your mistress had now closed some doors with the answers but had only sprung up more curiosity. 

She sighed, looking almost upset, 

"I'm glad Miranda did not pick you as now you are mine" you smile, giggling slightly, your mistress chuckles, 

"Yes, dear indeed, it would just have been nice to t be a failed experiment" her smile held back pain, stabbing through you like a sharp knife. 

"You know, for a failed experiment, you turned out quite fantastic," you say, looking up at your mistress, who had a bigger smile on her face than you had ever seen; her beautiful fangs pinched her bottom lip, really bringing out her red lips. 

"You make me feel so special, draga mea", she cooed, looking a lot happier; she pulled you closer.


Finally, arriving outside the church, invited this time, so you felt less anxious, assisting your beloved out the caggaige,  before taking the bay basket. 

Rose had slept like a little angel and had been no trouble, feeling your heart sink as Miranda's body came closer and closer; her aroma just sent shivers down your spine.  

"Hello, my darling", she spoke, taking Alcina into her arms; your beloved didn't resist it but embraced it; maybe the motherly touch was a real thing. 

"And you Y/N good Journey" she was being surprisingly nice to you,

"Yes indeed" you stood next to your mistress, not sure how to act or what to say, 

"Do come in the both of you", she led you in, taking the baby bassinet from you, feeling worried to let go of Rose, but you had no choice, the baby was technically hers, and you had no say in what she did. 

"Oh, the vessel looks great. Well done, Alcina," Miranda praises, seeing your beloveds skin glow, feeding off her mother's affection, even though her attention was else were. 

"So Mother Miranda, with the ceremony, would you like me to bring any of Ethan Winters remains or shall we never bring that man-things name up again" she waited in anticipation as the bird woman thought. 

"No, I don't think I will need anything of the vessels, father but do bring some of your lovely Sanguias Virginis." your mistress chuckled, 

"Oh, I don't leave the castle without it" your beloved rubbed your shoulder, relaxing your tense shoulders. 

Miranda lifted the sleeping child from the basket, looking thrilled at the idea of her baby daughter being with her so soon, Finlay she was going to feel complete. 

"What about roses, mother?" your mistress askes, 

"Oh, I got rid of her long ago; that is why Ethan was here on a revenge hunt for his wife and daughter" she scoffed at the man's stupidity, thinking he could take on the four lords, especially your mistress. 

(Thank you for reading <3) 

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