West Coast Wonders Part 49

Start from the beginning

She looked at his anxious eyes and saw again the young man who couldn't negotiate the intricacies and politics of the cut-throat world that she had once navigated easily.  Her voice was calm and low: 'darling, I know that it is hard to believe but just take heart from all the audiences all summer who have responded so positively to what you do.  Think about it - they went along to hear this unknown performer for the first time and they just...well, they loved you - your talent, your sensitivity, your sex appeal.'

He eyed her, non-commitally.

'And remember all the times when you were conducting the student orchestra in Freiburg, when you told me before concerts that you were nervous about disappointing others if things didn't go to plan but they always did, didn't they?  Successes every time.'

His expression showed her that he was still not quite convinced and she thought for a moment, then smiled in triumph: 'I know...you should listen to a review that I read online of the concert you gave in Washington D.C. a few weeks ago.'

She stood and went to get her phone, searched and found the link, then returned to Seon-jae's side.

'Ok,' she pointed her finger and gave him an mock-imperious stare, 'now listen...really listen, ok?'

He gave a little laugh.  You are so cute when you are bossy, Seonsaengnim - Teacher but fine, I'll behave.

'Ok, I'll skip the part where they speak of the venue being renovated and cut straight to the good stuff - I had heard some good reports of this young performer from the east who has been playing a storm this summer but everything I heard was wrong.'   

She lifted her head and gave a high, eye-brow flick of surprise.  Super cute.  

She read on: ' - from the first note of the Chopin Polonaise to the last dying embers of Mendelssohn's Rondo Capriccioso, this was something special.  What a performer!  This young man has it all, with a stage presence second to none, which ensures that the audience are already relaxing before he plays a note.'  

She looked towards him: 'and that's not something that every performer has, you know.'  

She began to read again - ' - every touch belies a real artistry, strength where it is needed, lightness where that is appropriate and everything you could ever want in between.   The Capriccioso, in particular, was judged just right - the perfect blend of lyricism with passion - and just the right amount of capriciousness to seal the deal.'

'Capriciousness is just a fancy word for sex appeal, you know,' and he smirked at his clever woman.

She finished reading the review: ' - the house went crazy in their appreciation of this splendid performance and I was surprised when he stood to take his bows and I was reminded of his youth - seasoned performers would love to have a smidgen of his composure, his style, his interpretation and yes, I'll say it, his genius - ageless as that quality is.'

She rose her head and he saw the glint of tears in her eyes and knew that she was so proud and it made him realise that - as always - she was totally right.  He smiled: 'you are right, of course, you are always right it will be fine but thank you, my darling, I think I just needed to hear it from you.'

'You didn't hear it from me, you heard it from this very eminent critic.  But what you will hear from me is this...,' she placed the phone on the bed and took both of his hands in her and just as she had all those years ago, before his end-of-year concert in Freiburg, she carefully and lovingly placed a kiss on each of his 10 fingers and thumbs, then lifted her head and spoke with purpose: 'you are the most wonderful pianist I have ever heard play - and I've heard many, as you know - and there isn't a work written that you can't deliver with aplomb.  And audiences love you - you know they do - and this audience tonight will love you too.'  

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