all the goodbyes and cries and teary eyes | matt jackson

Start from the beginning

"you ready?" he couldn't help but mirror your infectious smile, the one that got wider at his words. "road trip!" you grinned and pumped your fist, the one that wasn't holding the luggage bag, into the air.

when your stuff was in the trunk of his car, he cleared his throat, "so i was thinking we can go to a convenience store first? so you can go pee if you need to and we could get some snacks if you want?"

you clapped your hands together. "that's a great idea mattie!"

simply being in a tiny store with you was lots of fun to him, he hoped you felt the same way. picking out one brand of chips over the other, the same thing with soda, and the chosen pack of candy, as well as that one sandwich just to make it feel less unhealthy was a giggle-filled debate when with you. he loved that giddy, careless feeling he got when he's with you. it felt like he was walking on cloud nine.

things got a bit sour for him when you got back in the car and was on the drive to the airport though.

the traffic was bad. typical californian traffic. he had no idea what he expected, really, but he just hoped that it wouldn't be like this the whole time for your sake. it was something that he grew up with so he was used to it. it wasn't uncommon that those fifteen minute trips to the grocery became thirty minutes. however, he didn't know how you dealt with traffic and the fact that there was a big possibility of you being annoyed at him for dragging you into this - although you agreed to it and jumped at the chance to spend more time with him - ate him up inside. and it was obvious.

you were aware that matt isn't a people person and he got awkward whenever he's around someone he doesn't know very well or isn't comfortable with, but over the past few months where you've been hanging out with each other, it seemed like he was comfortable enough with you so now, you're left wondering why he keeps on fidgeting and sweating even though the ac is on full blast. he was restless, bouncing his knee, nervously running his hand through his hair, and muttering things you couldn't quite catch. it made your wonder. he's never acted like that around you before, did he regret letting you come? did he not actually want you there?

"matt, you alright?" due to your overactive imagination, you were nervous now too.

the question didn't seem to help much because it obviously startled the man, only raising more questions about his behavior. "y-yeah [y/n], everything's fine." he nodded looking straight ahead and tense as a board. it didn't seem like everything's fine.

if it was possible that a person's mind could be going at lightning speed and not at all at the same time, it would be what's going on in matt's head. he just felt so anxious, foot hovering over the gas pedal and trying to will the car in front of him to just go before they get annoyed with me- oh. they probably already are.

he swallowed thickly and bit his lip at the thought, so preoccupied in his head that he doesn't notice the worried glance you keep on sending his way.

"matt are you sure you're fine?"

he had to stop himself from jumping out of his skin at your voice. seeing that you didn't believe him the first time be lied, he tried to be more convincing this time.

keyword: tried.

with a slow, unsure shake of his head up and down, he answered. "yep, never better."

and he wished he didn't peek at you because if you looked annoyed before - you actually didn't. matt's just being paranoid - you definitely did now -- you weren't annoyed, you were worried.

"since," you stopped what ever you were about to say then. he risked to look at you again. it seemed like you were thinking carefully about the next thing you were gonna say and he expected the worst.

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