West Coast Wonders Part 46

Start from the beginning

The sun was beginning to get closer to the horizon and the extreme heat of the day was losing ground to a stiff breeze off the bay that had Hye-won shiveringly laughing to Seon-jae, as he cozied his arms around her shoulders: 'wasn't it Mark Twain who said that the coldest winter he ever spent was a summer in San Francisco?' making Seon-jae splutter, as they walked briskly to take a tram.  By the time they hopped off, the streets that had been bathed in hot sunshine were now opaque with dense fog and the damp droplets made the air more frigid.  They had hardly gone 10 steps when atmospheric lighting and syncopated jazz sounds a world away from rag-time seemed to call to them and they ducked into the elegant bar with as much relish as Seon-won skipping into an ice-cream shop.


A sense of cool elegance pervaded, with a long, wood-panelled bar along 1 wall drawing early evening customers to drink from variously-hued drinks in long-stemmed glasses

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A sense of cool elegance pervaded, with a long, wood-panelled bar along 1 wall drawing early evening customers to drink from variously-hued drinks in long-stemmed glasses.  Hye-won was about to suggest they perch at the bar when Seon-jae spied a cosy, candle-lit section with low couches towards the back and leaned to whisper in Hye-won's ear: 'that couch has our name all over it,' and she tittered as she moved towards it.

Once there, Seon-jae lost no time getting up close and personal again, just as he had for coffee that morning but now, in the dim lighting and easy harmonies of the mellow jazz that had drawn them indoors in the first place, he was even more hands-on, inter-lacing Hye-won's fingers through his.  

'My love, we have trekked all day, yet you still look perfectly fresh - and very inviting.'

His eyes were dancing imps of excitement, as he took his time to gaze from the tip of her glossy hair - loose upon her shoulders - down along the checked shirt and slim-fit jeans.  His eyes were rising pings of excitement in her but the arrival of the flamboyant waiter to take their order forced them to break their gaze while they sought a recommendation.  

'Well, it depends on your tastes - let's see - do you like coffee?'

They both nodded vigorously and he seemed to take it as a sign that they were good people.

'Of course you do, everyone in The City loves coffee.  So then you just have to taste an Espresso Martini - it's smooth and strong, just how I like my boyfriends.'

They both chuckled at this well-worn joke and agreed to try his recommendation.  As he turned on his heel and sashayed away dramatically to place the order, Hye-won whispered to Seon-jae: 'he reminds me of Ciara's friend, Jonas - remember, the night of your end of year concert that first year I came to Freiburg?'

His eyes gleamed at the stirring memory: 'I certainly remember the night - I was so emotional after the concert,' a hot look passed between them that made it clear that it was his public declaration -  before his friends, his class-mates, his teachers and the whole audience that his encore was for his one true love, Oh Hye-won - that had made the night so special for the couple, 'and then you entered the bar looking like you had stepped out of the pages of a glossy magazine and my whole body just zinged.'

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