Chapter 18: Toxic

Start from the beginning

Naruto was pacing back and forth with his hands on his head.

" I thought we weren't going to let what happen..ruin us" I said.

" I thought we were building something, but you just threw it away like our friendship meant nothing. How am I suppose to see the care in that?!"

" Well I hate to break it to you Hinata. You want the truth.. it did ruin us I'm sorry " he said finally facing me.

I swallowed hard. I already knew that deep down inside. After that night no matter how I tried I couldn't look at him the same way again, but to hear it out loud stung more then I expected.

After all we'd been through I thought we could at least salvage some sort of friendship.

" You didn't even try" I said quietly. " Tell me is this dinner your having with that girl?"

He froze in place the moment I said that and I had my answer.

I laughed bitterly " Ah that's why it's so easy. I was just there to ease the pain but as soon as you get the real prize you throw me out like garbage?"

" That's not it!" he shouted his voice cracking a bit. " I wasn't throwing you out. I just thought we needed some distance. You think this was easy for me? Well it wasn't. I....I never wanted to hurt you like this."

I laughed in his face. I felt tears freely fall down my face. I didn't bother to hold them back anymore.

He took a few steps towards me. I could see his emotion slowly consuming him.

" And what about you? You're completely innocent? You used me too! We used each other, we were both sad and we comforted each other. And what was so wrong about that? You knew things wouldn't stay like this forever " Naruto said.

I didn't respond. In fact I couldn't look at him.

" You don' don't need me anymore Hinata."

His eyes met the ground and a sense of sadness washed over us with a heavy silence.

" When your down and need a shoulder to cry on or someone to hang out with he can be that person for you. All I would do is cause conflict, face it" Naruto said.

I refused to accept his words. Did he really think he was someone I'd just throw away?

" That's not true.." i almost whispered.

" This was getting dangerous Hinata. We were forgetting about the people we wanted to be with and were getting too hung up on each other. I mean we slept with each other for god sakes !"

Naruto slammed his fist against the glass. Then he began to calm down a bit.

" Don't you see the problem?"

" The only problem here is on your end!" I yelled.

Naruto then did something unexpected. He approached me quickly and cupped my cheeks. My first instinct was to pull away, but when I looked him in his eyes suddenly I couldn't move.

" If I were to kiss you," he brought his face so close I could feel his breath fan my lips, " Your telling me you wouldn't feel a thing?"

Though I swallowed hard and I could feel my legs go to jelly, I still denied what I was feeling.

" N-no I wouldn't" I somehow managed to say.

He suddenly pulled me against his body My chest pressed firmly against his and a familiar heat rushed to my stomach. Especially as his hand trailed down my back.

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