Taking Control of You

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A day before the breakup

Hunter's POV

I was by myself making sure everything was secure around Bonesborough. I got attention around the media after they found out that I'm another hero Firelight had found. Whenever I'm strolling around the streets, people recognize me and immediately ask for an autograph. I would be a little shy around as I'm not good at communicating with people. It made me feel extra special that there are fans of mine who like me. Altogether, it's a great feeling to be known as someone you can count on.

Yesterday, I didn't care whether or not Belos or my friends would catch me betraying them. I was selfish enough not letting Luz and Eda know about their plans. It was about time I got out of my shell and became the person I wanted to be. Yesterday was the day I ended up telling the heroes where Belo's hideout is and his exact plan. They thanked me and would take action that day. They invited me to raid his secret spot and put an end to everything. But it all went wrong

"Let's go guys!" Eda instructed us.

Luz and I rushed inside with our magic activated. We looked around to make sure no one would attack us out of nowhere. I noticed that Belo's place wasn't what it was like before. Everything was torn down and destroyed. His laboratory no longer existed. The powerful flower was gone as well.

"Are you sure this is the place? It looks like a dump here," Eda came from behind.

"I am sure. But I don't understand why there's nothing here?"

"Did you tell them that we were coming here?"

"No, of course not. It would be stupid of me to do so," I reasoned with Eda.

That's when I felt my phone vibrate. I quickly checked to see what notifications I've received. It was a message from Steve. There was an attachment to the message. I opened it to see a picture of Luz, Eda, and I walking across a street.

Steve: You thought you could get away with this? Well you thought wrong. We know that you're working with Firelight and The Owl Lady. You're the Golden Guard. I figured because you left so much that I would follow you secretly. I informed Belos about this matter and now you'll be just another hero that we'll need to get rid of. I'm ashamed of you and for that, we're no longer friends. One more thing, that girl that Firelight and Owl Lady saved a year ago, we made a conclusion that Firelight goes to same school as that girl. We will be going after Hexside pretty soon. So have fun defending them while it last.

"ARGH!" I slammed my phone onto the ground.

"What was that about?" Luz stared at me with a concerned look.

"We're fucked. They know about us. My ex-friend caught me with you guys. Now he has told Belos about it. They all know I'm a hero. We were very close to catching them but I had to screw everything up!" I punched the thin wall from the frustration built up in me.

"Relax kid. It ain't the end of the world. We just need to find some other clues to help us find them."

"It is the end of the world for us. They will be going after Hexside. I'm not sure when but it'll be soon from what the message said."

"What!? They know Luz goes to Hexside?!"

"Apparently. When Amity was kidnapped, her school ID was on her and my friends viewed it. They somehow found out that Firelight is friend's with Amity because she came to rescue her. Now they tied it to Firelight going to the same school as Amity and they are correct. That is why they will attack Hexside knowing that Luz goes there."

A Masked Hero (The Owl House Mage Au w/ Lumity) [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora